Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Fattest Lady in history is starting to sing

War, war never changes. From our unseen masters, the evil miscreant psychopaths that dictate the course of our countries, to the duped masses of sheep, we have now reached the end. 

All those wars across the globe are not enough, the economic disaster looming will be far, far worse. I do not think even those in the know even understand how bad this is going to be. This worldwide economic depression will dwarf everything. Think 1929 times 10,000. Think of the worst apocalyptical economic scenario you can imagine and then realise that what is coming will be much, much worse. 

The fattest lady in history is about to sing the highest note any human has ever heard. Again I would like to express sadness over all the children and their suffering, but to the rest of you; I hope you all burn in hell. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The end is nigh - goodbye everyone

Sadly the plan to destroy the western world is now in full effect. The middle-age white christian male has been turned into a weakling that accept untested vaccines and agrees to fight fictitious enemies while his job, savings, and family is slowly getting destroyed. 

The high and mighty have succeeded. They have turn the world into their semi-fascist / semi-communist nightmare which is growing in power for each day that passes. Media is nothing but a mouth-piece and everyone is now accepting two mutually opposing beliefs simultaneously as correct and the norm. 

Strangely, and completely out of the blue, the only ones opposing this approaching evil are two evil empires; China and Russia. Do not get fooled, these two entities would gladly impose upon us their own version of control and government. However the key word is "their" i.e. they will fight the world order since their place within is subservient and neither one will such accept. 

In the end though the collapse of the world financial system will destroy China, and likely Russia too, although Russia is almost completely self-sufficient. The financial collapse have already started - the fattest woman in history is about to sing the highest note ever heard. 

This will probably be my last entry in this blog and I am also leaving social media. I want to live in reclusion and contemplation without listening to what is going on in the world. Nothing is more depressing than hearing a politician urge people to die, starting wars while rich old men state that we all need to make sacrifices while they get richer. 

You, the people, the idiots, you do not deserve to live. I feel sorry for all the children that will not have the choice to make, but for the rest of you; Fuck you all. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Cooler Heads in a time when everyone was sexistracistfascistnazi

One of the sad facts about the last couple of years is that sanity has gone out the window. With sanity gone there is only one opinion allowed - the opinion of the central-left politically correct evildoers. If you are not a feminist, and if you do not love pride parades, and if you are not supporting Greta in her struggle to take away food from the starving, well then you are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, and you hate gays, you vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 


But I want priests to have the right to refusing marrying guys, it is their religion = you are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

I support Muslims to refuse marrying gays = awww! You are an openminded good person! 

I support the freedom of all people to bear arms = You are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

I support Ukrainians to bear arms = awww! You love democracy and gays! We love you too! 

If you are imposing sanctions on Russia, should you not do the same for U.S. that has done far worse and is doing worse at this very second? = You are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

I love sanctions against Russia, can we refuse Russian children food and refuse them learning things? = Yea! Good idea! You clearly understand freedom and democracy while hating Russians. Good for you! 

Why isn't Zelenskyy ordering his army to stand down to save lives? The war is already lost, and all Ukraine is doing is dying by the thousands unnecessarily = You are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

Zelenskyy is a hero who want to kill Russian, get nukes, join NATO, dance in leather and sending children out to die in the streets while he is safely talking to other sycophants = Yea! You got it sir! you are a good person, let us hate Russians together. 


And so on and so on. You are either a "good guy" doing what everyone else is doing, following orders, buying and liking the stuff the majority does. OR you are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

One of the consequences of this attitude is that diplomacy and cultural understanding is also thrown out the window. There are no cool heads anymore in the UN, only knee-jerk reactions. There are no diplomats in embassies anymore, only politically correct stooges. There are no understanding of how other countries or cultures might feel about certain opinions or differences because if they don't agree they are evil sexistracistfascistnazi's who hate women, hate gays, sponsor Trump and now also are pro-Russian Putin lovers. This is, coincidently, why we are very, very, very close to nuclear war right now. 

Imagine how easy it would have been to solve the Ukraine crisis. After NATO of course said that there is no plans to make Ukraine member and they will not be invited anytime soon (note: not excluding it, just diplomatically stating they do not want this corrupt country as member now), after that EU only needed to pick up the phone and say "Hey Ukraine, please stop murdering Russians, follow the Minsk agreement and there might be a EU membership in the future for you!" - that is it. Problem solved. No war. 15-20 years ago this is exactly what would have happen because back then diplomacy still existed, there were still cooler calmer heads looking sober at situations and acting accordingly. Those people have been pushed aside, now all that matters is how they title themselves and how many rainbow flags they have in their office. 

Remember the cold war? There was a lot of issues, problems, and near confrontations, but there was always respect, always cooler heads calming things down and trying to find mutual understandings. I miss that... 

Monday, February 28, 2022

The stunning hypocrisy of EU(SSR) and NATO

 The stunning hypocrisy of the west is astounding. Not that I mind too much that they are banning Russian footballers from playing their sports, or taking away snickers from Russian kids. Nor do I care too much about condemnations or vilifying the Russians - they are used to it. And for the most part they also deserve it. Even IF you weigh in the DoD biolabs getting destroyed (yes, they exists) or acknowledge that the Azov batalion of crazy Nazis apparently like killing other white christian's for some reason (what a bunch of idiots), and even IF Ukraine wants to be member of the EU(SSR) or play in the sandbox with the other aggressive NATO children, even IF you do this and give Russia all the points you can still not be on their side simply because they attacked, they declared war, and they are the ones doing it and doing it towards other Orthodox christians. Their brothers. 

What I am against however is the hypocrisy of the west. Have you heard of the illegal bombing and slaughter of innocent in Libya? How about the 150,000 dead in Afghanistan and that illegal occupation? Or what about the 1 million dead (1 freaking million dead!!!) in their illegal war in Iraq!? What about the illegal war they are currently doing in Syria? How about the terror bombing of families and the murder of innocent by the thousands in the illegal war NATO conducted in former Yugoslavia? Or any other myriad of crimes against humanity we have seen the past decades. The super aggressive attack organisation of NATO and its main member the United States has committed more war crimes, more crimes against humanity, and more illegal actions than anything the Russians could ever do. There is no contest, in comparison the Russians are nice cuddly puppies. That is a fact. 

Another fact is that the west with NATO and EU(SSR) has declared war on Russia. By imposing these sanctions, and by sending war material to Ukraine they are actively murdering Russians, actively destroying Russian families and doing so while stealing Russian property. This while laughing and dismissing their own war crimes. Not only is this hypocrisy, it is very, very dangerous hypocrisy. Sooner or later the Russians will have had enough and they will fight back and with ANY means necessary, and can you in that case blame them? 

We are heading for nuclear war and no matter what you think of the Russian aggression, once those mushroom clouds hover over your head THAT was not the Russians fault. If you have a direct phone line to any politician or you have an option to do something about this, you better do it fast because the world is about to end. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Greatest Generation - I salute you all

In the past 3 years, and many years before that, the biggest propaganda machine in history together with some of the biggest corporations in history and almost every country on the planet have executed their version of order 66. Smug politicians have sold their populace, mortgaged the future and capitulated to the most vile and most evil collection of people this planet has ever seen; The Cult of Covidian. 

This cult, worshipping at the alter of pharmaceuticals and carrying the cloth talisman over their faces, have successfully convinced adults that spending time with parents, grand parents or even neighbours is dangerous and dumb. Old women are crying themselves to death at home because their children refuse to visit and grandfathers are lamenting to never see their grandchildren. Children, as young as a couple of years old, are forced by their mothers to cover their breathing and not play with other children. Mothers are rushing their offspring to experimental drug centers to have them injected with poison. Fathers are forcing their kids to avoid others, wear plastic gloves and wash their hands like mental patients. 

We who are fighting this have no money, no resources, no allies, no country support. We are hunted by task forces and vilified by every bought and paid for journalist on the planet. We are seriously outgunned, ridiculously outmanned, and we have no real prospect of winning. There is even rumours of hit squads, and with camps being built in many countries to house and lock us away, why fight? Why are we not waving the flag and giving up? 

Because we fight for our families, for our future, for democracy and freedom. We fight for what is right and we know it. This generation of absolute heroes are refusing to give in. This Greatest Generation is losing their jobs, losing their reputations, losing friends, and is facing extreme opposition with no salvation in sight. AND THEY ARE NOT GIVING IN! 

To some this comparison to the people living through world war II is ludicrous, but it is not. We are facing the same prosecution and discrimination as many in the world did back then and opposite those folk, we have no army, no country to back us up, no empire to flee to. We truly stand alone in this fight and we are still fighting. What is a soldier backed by millions of other soldiers backed by an empire of resources in comparison to a normal person fighting his entire country and all politicians and all journalists and even a majority of his own countrymen? 

I salute all of you out there taking a stand. Our cause is just, and we will prevail. The Greatest Generation VS the evil cult of Covidian. This is as epic as it get. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

The beginning of the end - the Austrian fat lady is singing

This will be my second to last post on this blog. It is now time. The fattest lady in history is about to sing the highest note humankind has ever heard - and sadly us alive now will need to experience this ending. There will be a lot of tears, a lot of pain, and a lot of misery before the survivors come out on the other side.  

The masters of this destruction are using the covidian cult and the worship of pieces of cloth and the reverence of experimental poison, but that is only one part of it. The manmade global warming scam is another pillar used to usher in our pending doom. A third is the pending economic crisis, which will dwarf all other economic crises in history and will be the main catalyst for the new order. This new order intended to rule the world through a mixture of neo-communist and neo-fascist structure will rule through social points, in-operated chips, and of course through the well tried divide et empire system already in place since ages. That is the end game. 

If you want to know your future, look at Australian experiment with camps and how the Austrians is to murder their own populace and then you mix that with the current Chinese social system and there you basically have it. 

To be honest, seeing the current situation in the world, who can blame our would-be despots? Every time I see a single mom in her own car with a toddler while both wearing the cloth of worship I too wish nothing but misery on this world. Hearing the cult uttering their devotion of a bureaucratic lackey while said lackey mandate the latest restriction is enough to make me vomit. The lack of intelligence among the obedient masses is evident so perhaps having 6,5bn joining the Dodo is not such a bad thing? I am mostly sad that myself, and those close to me, will need to be part of this culling.

So... if anyone from Blackrock, Vanguard Group or those pesky families orchestrating this debacle read this; please take me with you! I will gladly join evil as long as I do not need to be associated with the congregation of the covidian cult. I can cook, I play chess, and I can entertain with stories of idiots yelling in the store because a 5yo is not covered in the cloth of worship. Should be enough for me to join your ranks no? 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Crimean Sphincter Of Justice

Yes, my best friend is Bagdad Bob... 

As a libertarian you are not always popular, in fact most of the time you will be the most unpopular person in your neighbourhood. Even with other libertarians you will soon realise that you will not win any popularity contests. 
The situation in Ukraine points this out very accurately.

As a libertarian it is obvious that you will first side with the individual and families at location and second you will side with their right to self-determination and with civil liberties. At its core this has nothing to do with neither the despot Putin nor his pro-Fascist counterpart Poroschenko. It has it nothing to do with the European Union, United States or anything else for that matter. It is simply a basic libertarian pro-capitalist stance to side with ´the little guy´ and basic alienable rights.

That is it, but if you think and say above you will immediately come under fire from everywhere and everyone. You will be a pro-Putin neo-fascist communist suffering from megalomania, you´ll be hated for being against the democratic free world and you have sold your humanity. You have taken sides with Adolf Hitler and Idi Amin and you´re best friends with ISIS. You are a racistnazifascist and you are looking to resurrect Soviet Union 2.0 while you secretly go “muhahaha… “in a dark basement where you smile over corpses of your preteen rape victims.

The propaganda is deafening and a lot of intelligent people have fallen for it.

To be fair I too had it wrong initially. Masked green troops and Russian soldiers at border crossings and the apparent rushed referendum, the clear and obvious aim to annex Crimea, and troop movements seemed to tell the story of an aggressive Russia moving to annex a peaceful part of a poor neighbour. And as a Swede, with inherent aversion towards Russians and a history of Russia as being our arch enemy, it was easy to jump to the conclusion; isn´t everything those evil communist bastards do per automatic devilish and appalling?

Then a few things happen and a few other things came to my attention.

United States clearly orchestrated the whole thing. We know this by their own admission. From phone conversations where they clearly state the intention of replacing existing democratically elected officials with U.S. puppets, the admission of sending $5bn in help over time and additional $1,5bn in direct help (not to mention all the billions lent via IMF) under and just after the coup speak volumes. American politicians were even on the ground handing out cookies, passing out flyers and urging people to rebel.

Regardless if you believe this was a good thing or a bad thing Russians reacting to it was to be expected. And in hindsight the Russians took it very easy, very calmly, and with almost spooky rationality Putin ordered the return of Crimea and the mobilization of Russian defense forces. I applaud their restraint and so should you. Just imagine if Russia had done the same in Canada or Mexico, we would all be dead by now because the Americas would be shooting up nuclear missiles within minutes.  

Secondly I stumbled across the story of Natalia Poklonskaya. And yes, she is cute and all that, but the story of how she fled Ukraine and with fear of her own life and that of her child and family and how she refused to obey Ukrainian authorities and with constant death threats and even reported attempts of assassinations she hold firm and simply said “I will not work with fascists”. 

Although above and much more gave me pause and got me questioning the narrative cabled out in western media, it was not until the massacre of Odessa that I really knew what was going on. One of our times worst atrocities, an absolute horrific event beyond nightmares and the west simply ignores it. If I´d been Russian I would have starting to call for all-out war right there and then, for that event alone. In Sweden certain politicians want to stop information about this massacre because it might be “pro-Russian”. 
Absolutely disgusting! 

Please watch this! You will be sick afterwards but it is worth it. Remember this is what the western press is deliberately hiding!

Then I started to read, to study and actually get knowledge and I realized that not only had the people of Crimea been strangely moved over to Ukraine territory by a former dictator, they´d also hold referendums before as can be read about Here 1991 , and Here 1994 and also several during the Soviet era which are not very well documented. I noticed how independent movements were so strong in Crimea that no Russian soldier was ever needed and the outcome of the referendum was obvious. After the fact several independent investigators have found that people are ecstatic about being part of Russia again and there are very, very few dissident voices.

In essence, Crimea left Ukraine and joined up with Russia via a democratic majority decision fully in line with the people’s wishes - yes a few irregularities occurred and the "forced" referendum could have been handled better, but nevertheless the outcome was and still is very clear. 
Even more importantly; Crimea did so within libertarian accepted parameters. The people, almost every one of them, as individuals, as families and as a collective do not want to be part of Ukraine and do want to be part of Russia. 
So the only question is; why is there even an argument about Crimea?  

Friday, April 4, 2014

Syria it is then?

I have been speculating about which country bloodthirsty warmongering NATO would attack next. Which country will receive the democracy bombs and what people will get the peaceful torture, rape and death? What area will be subjected to freedom drones and lovable invasion?

Apparently the Turkish has spoken out of turn and already revealed the plan.

The plan to arrange a False Flag Attack were to be outed on YouTube and other social media and so the Turkish authorities decided to turn it off because apparently the elite still believe that that is how Internet works.

Awwww… what a shame. 

You can feel their pain, can’t you? So sad. 

Of course this is enormous news! Biggest of the year, by far! Overshadowing Crimea, missing planes and murdered journalists with miles so of course western media is... ouhm... not saying a pip?
My question is; does this revelation mean that they will move on to Iran and get back to Syria later? With a bit of luck they can drag Syria into the mess anyway since Iran and Syria are (sort of) allies.
I have also heard a few things. Not only is Israel doing a few things behind the curtain but apparently Iraq is looking for ways to block internet now, and a few troop and ship movements on-top of that seem to indicate that something is about to occur. Perhaps just a prelude, a test run, but it can also be that the attack is imminent. Obama has lost a few diplomatic games lately and his star is falling fast, he needs to do something, he need to unzip and show himself to the world. Also NATO is stepping up their warmongering at the same time as the world economy is defaulting before our very eyes.

What is that saying again? Oh, that´s right; when everything else has failed, when all they can do has been done, then they only have one card left to play; they will take us to war!

How long before we out these criminals for what they are? How long are we going to stand for this GramscoFabiaNazi madness? How long will we let the murders and the looting to continue?

Funny enough there is one additional question needed to be addressed. One final question that will not only determine the destiny of our evolution but may impact on human existence as a whole. IF we disclose the truth about these people and their evil mass murdering plans; to what ideology/idea and set of politicians will we turn? And within the answer to that question we have the real problem.

You see the problem is not really NATO, IMF or the EU(SSR), the problem is neither North Korea, Iran or the U.S. The problem is that people simply do not understand and people want easy, quick solutions. People do not want to hear that we need to eliminate the banking cartels and big brother government - most even believe we live in a capitalist world today. Instead the majority will, again, as they´ve always done in the past; turn towards those funny ideas of nationalsocialism, socialism, communism and fascism. Apparently, in most people´s mind, the answer to wars, regulations, centralized decisions making and central banks is more wars, more regulations and a lot more centralized decision making. At THAT point, when we´ve reach THAT stage; that is when human life on this planet is going to take a turn for extinction.

I have no hope or delusions whatsoever. I know where this is going. I´ve known for over a decade now.

And I also know that it is highly unlikely that I will be among the survivors.

Consequently let me give you a bit of advice; let it go. There is nothing you can do about it, people are too stupid. Give up. Buy vodka, popcorn, some drugs, guns, whatever, and try to enjoy it. You and me are fortunate to be alive when the human race ended its reign of this planet – take a seat, relax, drink, and watch, it is going to be a hell of a show!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Civil war in Ukraine

Lubrication not necessary...

Ukraine is still newsworthy for several reasons – none of them good. 

Since the people of Crimea voted to leave the poverty stricken and nazi-infected Ukrainian state things have gone from bad to worse and now the country is only two steps away from an all-out civil war.
The basic problem is that the political elite having constantly refused to implement good capitalist reforms. Instead they´ve done what politicians always do; they´ve robbed the people and given more power to themselves and their friends.
But there are also other reasons for the debacle and western leaders should be ashamed of their actions that have led to this point. Although the in-house leadership created a bad situation western support of the neo-Nazis, the NATO and EU pressure to join those organisations and several other outside interference's are the torches that lit the fire. The direct financial support (about $10bn) that poured in via western countries to practically arm extremists were not only morally questionable, no matter how bad the previous regime was, it was also in violation of previous signed agreements.

In the west journalists (useless as always) and politicians alike have blamed Russia for “invading” Ukraine – of course ignoring that the Russian speaking, Russian supporting, mostly Russian employed population in the historically Russian area of Crimea voted to be free of the Kiev mess. Western leaders also blame Russians to be in violation of the Budapest agreement. The thing is however that the mentioned agreement not only guaranteed Ukrainian boarders - it also clearly states that none of the signers would use economic coercion to subordinate Ukraine and that no one should use political pressure to incorporate Ukraine into their own sphere of interest. Consequently even IF Russia can be said to have violated the agreement, west did it first and for longer and as a result directly impacted the events that followed. The €11bn bailout (loan) offered to bribe Ukraine to join the European Union, the $10bn in direct aid to protesters and rioters, and of course the by NATO paid for military “exercises” together with Ukraine to show them how great it is to be a part of NATO, are all violations of that agreement. The continuous support of the coup government, even more “exercises” planned and the EU´s pressure to sign over to the western fold are also in grouse violation of that agreement.

As per usual anything blamed on the Russians the EU/US/NATO has already done, only a lot worse.

Without this support the coup would not have been successful. Without the money and political pressure there would not be such animosity whereas half the country leans towards EU/NATO and the other half don´t. Without the western support of neo-Nazis they would not be such a huge problem today. Without NATO pushing for influence on Ukraine and planned military drills, which both broke the mentioned agreement and upset Russians; it would be far less likely that Putin would have pressed for Crimean annexation.

In CIA speak this can be referred to as “blow-back”; it created unintended consequences by meddling. Or; they put their noses where they did not belong.

Not only should western leaders have known where this would end up, they should also have been fully aware of any potential Russian response. If they were, they fully intentionally incited what has to be regarded as a pending civil war and they knew fully well that Russia would incorporate Crimea regardless of the cost. I am not giving our western politicians enough credit to understand such things so I regard the entire spectacle as yet another ignorant foolish meddling of those deemed better.

I also do not understand what EU(SSR) and NATO would do with Ukraine anyway. It is not like NATO need more members, the current squad of misfits and soul-sucking entities are more than enough to take on any foe. The ONLY reason why NATO would try to incorporate Ukraine into their sphere is to encircle and piss off Russia even more. For the European Union it is even stranger. Even today, with the current membership, things are not going well. As things stand now it seems more likely that a country (or five) would leave EU rather than new member states would join. The Euro zone is a complete fiasco with riots, sky-rocketing unemployment and growing poverty as a result. What would the EU(SSR) do with 40 million Ukrainians out of which 10 million are unemployed? Give them cleaning jobs? Hire them as Mediterranean guards fighting off African refuges?

The same thing happen with Georgia. EU and NATO tried to influence Georgia and the Georgians thought they had their backs covered when they started the war against Abkhazia and South Ossetian. The minor states in turn thought they had western support since the west previously supported and encouraged Kosovo independence. But as per usual western hypocritical two-timing meddling fucked things up. Russia saw no other choice then to step in since the UN did nothing.

Ukraine however is a far bigger mess then the Georgian-Russian crisis. In Ukraine we have different nationalities, different languages, and completely diverging political agendas. The oligarchs have stolen a lot, the politicians have stolen even more, and the Nazis have yet to lay down arms.

Of course the western powers, highly responsible for the mess, do their very best to make it even worse.

Since the money lenders want their so called “investments” (loans) back the IMF has practically forced Ukraine to a 50% gas price hike, which will seriously hurt a people already living on the brink. But, of course, the IMF and the new coup government do not stop there; they´ve now also issued that pensions will be cut in half, practically condemning millions of elderly to dirt poor starvation. The “austerity plan” also includes deep cuts in social services, education and a devaluation of the currency.

It is like Greece all over again, only worse since the Ukraine is already in a complete mess.

I am not against the so called “austerity measures” as long as the root causes are addressed and the people responsible for the mess pay a hefty price both in terms of monetary retributions and jail-time. I also believe that a majority of the people can understand and excuse cuts as long as the high-and-mighty and those responsible get what is coming to them. However, as we´ve seen, that is and will not be the case.

The cash flow from the Ukraine will not go to anyone other than the big banks. The looted people will lose their homes, their land and their dignity – presumably also taken by banks and by certain western businesses seeing opportunities in buying up the country.

If Ukraine does not end up in a bloody long civil war I will be very surprised. Of course the group siding with the west will get monetary support and perhaps arms to fight off those opposing the looting. Again I see no other choice for Russia then to step in and, at the very least, protect the border areas filled with Russian speaking, Russian supporting, and mostly Russian employed population living in historically Russian areas.

Since many western leaders have already issued that “Russia is not done” and stating that Putin is the new Hitler, they will of course build on this to vilify and cast shadow over the only country seemingly caring what happens in the area. And if NATO steps in the situation may escalate quickly.

I am not pro-Russian or in love with Putin, but it is a seriously messed up world wherein the Russians seemingly are standing up for what is right and correct while the West continues to fuck up.

As for the Ukrainian people I feel very sorry for them. They made the same mistake as everyone else has done; they trusted western siren songs and were stupid enough to borrow money from the four-winged beasts of the large banking conglomerates.
Sadly hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, will die as a result – and so the EU(SSR)´s member states will get a lot of Ukrainians just as they wanted, only they will be refugees.
I wonder; will that lead to barriers put up in border areas with armed guards as in the Mediterranean?
Would be the ultimate betrayal…

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Deafening propaganda and the next war

ssh, do not pay any attention - American idol is on

I do believe that the Powers That Be (PTB) are starting to move on from their Russia bashing.
They´ve now firmly established that Putin is the reincarnation of Hitler, that Russia “invaded” Crimea, and that the, in part, neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine is in fact democratic and not at all a coup government supported with billions via U.S. in order to “make the correct decisions” to join EU and NATO.

Even more important is that PTB and their media friends have completely ignored the background story – they simply lifted out the Crimean referendum and Russian responses out of context and only argue and complain about those with no regard whatsoever to anything else. The Ukrainian Nazis; ignored. NATO´s incursions and planned “excises” together with Ukraine; ignored. NATO/U.S. constant bombing and actual, and factual, invasions of country after country; ignored. The murder of families and slaughter of kids by drones; ignored. Russia’s important naval base; ignored. History, the majority of Crimean’s and safety concerns; ignored.

I could go on but the image packaged and sold in the West is that of a hyper aggressive Russia seemingly invading countries on a whim in total disrespect of international laws and that both the Crimean referendum and the potential voting process of Transnistria are both equal to “invasion” by Russia.

It is an anti-intellectual repetitive rant of western politicians and western media.

I do not believe such anti-Russian propaganda is primarily for now. They are setting this up for later. The western PTB´s know that if they continue to provoke and do more later, a couple of years from now, Russia will, again, respond in the same way. Russians are predictable, they think logically from their perspective, and they have no intention of getting bullied around by NATO. Consequently there will be more clashes in the future, however not now.

Right now they are only setting this up in your brain, indoctrinating you. Later on, when the same thing happens again, they will repeat the rants and propaganda and that time, if not already, you will be much more inclined to agree.

For now though they will, more then likely, move on and focus on Iran and/or Syria.

Lately we´ve been informed that Iran had something to do with 9/11, that they most likely were behind the Lockerbee disaster, and we´ve heard that the Malaysian plane was boarded by Iranians with false passports. If we put all this together with earlier exaggerations and lies Iran is a primary target. Sooner or later the Israeli will convince U.S. and/or a false flag attack will occur and more lies will sell the war against Iran.

However it is also likely that they will launch a new barrage of propaganda against Assad and Syria. Before the Russian debacle they firmly established Bashar al-Assad as the Hitler of Syria, the user of chemical weapons (weapons of mass destruction), the murderer of his people, a dictator with grandiose dreams of a nazi-commie-Muslim Grand Syria, and that he, of course, is the sworn enemy of Israel.
Conveniently hiding the, by CIA and MI5, flown in mercenaries and al-Qaida forces that make up the bulk of the so called “opposition”. An opposition to Assad that, among other things, continue to slaughter Christians and teach kids how to chop of heads of those that do not obey. Of course they also hide that the NATO-leaders are letting Turkey (and Israel) to constantly fire into Syria to provoke further violence. And, of course, the evidence that it was (mainly) the "opposition" that in fact used chemical weapons is thrown out as nonsense.

Syria is home to the second most important Russian naval base (the Crimean one NATO tried to steal away is the most important) and Putin has previously thwarted U.S. attempts to bomb and invade with nice diplomatic moves. Now with Putin´s “invasion” of Crimea and him being the new Hitler, any support for the Syrian Hitler coming from Kremlin will be sold in the west as two dictators hell-bent on destroying the world.

I of course laugh at the entire thing – it is so ridiculous and so transparent.

However I´ve seen a lot of my friends and even libertarian minded people giving support for NATO and the U.S. against the horrible Soviet Union 2.0. Very weird. I do not expect people in general see through the propaganda, why would they? Never did before. I do however expect that intellectual people accept reality, but apparently not all of them do. Some probably blinded by historical events, but mostly I believe they too have bought and swallowed the mindless rhetoric.

The most obvious of all lies and very easy to find out the truth about is the claim that 123% voted in Sevastopol. Even Wikipedia has debunked that crazy idiocy long ago, but it is still sold as truth by many and I´ve seen plenty of my libertarian-minded friends do the same. Ever heard of Google people? Fact checking? Before you write editorials or put forward weird claims, perhaps you should check the validity? Just a suggestion…

I do laugh all the time but there is one thing that pisses me off in this story and that is how they treat Russia and Russians. The moronic sanctions for one; not only are they pointless, they are also mainly aimed at folk that had nothing to do with anything. And however bad western media say those sanctions are, they are in reality, at the most, an irritating fly.
But the worst thing is that they do this only against Russia. Not against Ukraine that has just as much (or more) to blame for the events, and certainly not against NATO/U.S.
Apparently U.S. invading and occupying countries while protecting drug-smuggling warlords and butchering entire families via drones or military hotheads is not enough to be sanctioned.
It seems that only accepting a democratic majority is something to be imposed with sanctions.

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, referendums are invasions, and bombs are democracy.
Kids murdered by drones = democracy and freedom. 

This world has really turned into a crazy place.

Recently the Nobel Prize winner (oh the Irony!) Obama visited The Hague (oh the irony!!!). Playing war-games with his bloodthirsty (and listen to by NSA) allies while, more than likely, drawing up plans for USA´s next peaceful, freedom loving and democratic war. 

The only question is where it will be and what societies soon to be swimming in democracy.
My money is on Iran; Syria will probably come as a bonus or be attacked later after 3-4 millions of Iranians are dead and millions more starving.  
It is amazing what freedom bombs and peaceful slaughter can do to the world – wouldn´t you agree?

... do not pay any attention to these Pakistani kids to the left, they were killed by drones but that is all good and need to sanctions or condemnation whatsoever. 


Monday, March 24, 2014

I am a paedophile and a rapist

I was talking to a friend of mine today. We discussed her ability to avoid gagging when having objects in her mouth and throat. An interesting subject during working hours as you can imagine.
However the discussion soon pored over into feminism and what a politically correct person would say to her in case the topic spilled over a coffee table. A woman should of course never enjoy giving a man pleasure. Especially not while performing a job usually associated with stimulating movies.

Now, this friend of mine she is loathes porn of all kind and is very strong as a person doing whatever she wants with her life. When I (or anyone else) tell her she should do something, she brushes it off and goes her own way. I admire that in a person, and even more so in a woman because today it is not easy being a woman having an own agenda, the feminazis has seen to that.

Contrary to popular feminist belief most men want a confident intelligent woman to whom he can both talk to and, on occasion, also enjoy while she is acting out her fellatio skills. There is no contradiction in being a strong woman and wanting to look beautiful. There is no contradiction in being a independent woman and love the act of sex. However this, that should be the feminist creed, is not accepted by the politically correct and it is not the proper way to behave. In essence the agenda of the high and mighty is to reduce females and men to mechanical beings in need of a government approval stamp.

Sadly this also spill over into how we behave towards each other.

In case you missed This Story it is a sad tale of how the righteous politically correct have transformed people into mindless automatons afraid of everything from the terrorists hiding in every bush to be afraid of getting accused of paedophilia at every turn.

As a man I know this all too well.

If I were to take a job at a daycare center people would whisper behind my back and take out their kids to put them at another center or outright ask me why the hell I love working with kids. As a man I know that I am a rapist in the making - eagerly I stroll about wondering how to best find a dark damp basement where I can put my female victims. As a man I know it is just a matter of time before I hit my girlfriend/wife (or a random woman) and perhaps give her HIV in the process. As a man I know that holding up a door, offering my seat at the bus or when showing politeness towards women I am actually asserting my dominance and furthering the patriarchate agenda.

I know this isn´t so in all countries or cultures, but in Sweden definitely and apparently also in the UK. A few may argue that I am exaggerating, and the politically correct and their feminazi horde would certainly state that I am a bigoted fascist caveman out to destroy their beautiful dream of love and cute puppies, but the road is now frequently traveled and THIS is one clear result.

Not that the feminazis with friends are solely responsible, we also need to factor in government and the statist agenda whereas anyone, but especially kids, trying to be self-sufficient or trying to assert control over their own lives; is a horrific person – a person needed to be corrected, or perhaps incinerated? 

Everyone know only the government can help. Anyone loose from the herd need to be re-educated and told what correct behavior is, and anyone uttering words like “home-schooling” or “self-determination” or say "I want to eat whatever I want" is clearly a person deeply troubled. Such a male individual is labelled with the government disapproval stamp of anarchist, fascist, conservative thug, and is told that he simply do not understand – in many cases he do not understand because he is not a woman. A woman is treated even worse. A woman stating she wants to be a house wife or wants to be a stay-at-home mom or, worse of all; if she says she love pleasuring her man then she is clearly delusional and need of pills: Time to go to the doctor Missy, keep gobbling those pharmaceuticals and for God´s sake stop shaving your armpits! Don´t you know that shaving off body-hair is only a way of making you look younger so your paedophile of husband can fuck a child? 

The future is already here, and it is a poorly dressed hairy woman screaming “rape” as soon as you hold up the door.

This so called civilization cannot dissipate fast enough – where the hell is that enormous comet that will end it all? Hopefully that comet will be shaped as a penis penetrating the space between the two balls of the Moon and the Earth and then piercing our lands with loud sigh, now that would be irony.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sex, lying and videotapes

Is he putin it to them or not? 

I hope you´re really paying attention what is going on in media at the moment. I am of course referring to the Crimea-“crisis” as they are calling it.

Let´s do a small recap.

First we have an agreement between NATO and Russia that certain areas or states should not be persuaded to join with NATO. Secondly we have a defense agreement between Russia and Ukraine. Thirdly Russia’s most important naval base is station on a leased area of Ukraine/Crimea. Got that?

Okay, then we have a situation in the world whereas NATO/U.S. occupies Afghanistan and practically still occupies Iraq -all based on lies. During the last years NATO/U.S. has also invaded or bombed countless of countries. Libya of course comes to mind, but Sudan, Yemen and constant drone attacks on Pakistani soil cannot be ignored either. All of these conflicts (and more) occurred without a declaration of war, without UN approval, and without any form of legal right or casus belli. Basically they just decided to bomb a few countries, invade, slaughter a few hundreds of thousands, rob the area of riches and then set up puppet governments.

Where are those fucking sanctions!? 

Now, afterwards, they of course site humanitarian reasons and blame the previous dictatorial regimes lifting up the occupational forces to a higher pedestal. And yes, Iraq can do better without Saddam and Libya can do better without al-Gaddafi, but so far the growing terrorism and horrific poverty in the wake of NATO-bombs haven´t made the situation better, on the contrary.

The point here however is not whether or not Iraqis or Afghans have it better today or whether or not there was some kind of justification, no the main point is that it happen. The acts themselves speak volumes to the violent nature and aggressive policies of NATO. If they find a reason to act, bomb and invade, they will do so.

If you belong to a country that historically been the main antagonist of NATO and you see their bases start popping up all around you in violation to previous agreements, wouldn´t you feel like you need to enhance your defense capabilities?
NATO did not however feel content with signing agreement after agreement with nation after nation - most of which are pointless since the U.S. and its main allies are fully capable to withstand or invade whatever country they so wish – no, they of course also felt the need to setup “exercises” together with and within the boarders of Ukraine and without hiding their intent seek to incorporate Ukraine in both EU and NATO. The consequence could not only be that Russia will have an even more difficult defense position; they would likely also forfeit their very important naval base. In addition the reach and power of the western allies would be strengthening while Russians weaken.
This, alone, only what I´ve written here, should make you feel sympathetic towards Putin and Russia. And with a history of French, German, Swedish and Polish invasions which killed millions upon millions of Russians, can you really say that it is weird or illogical for the Russians to say “Njet” and show some forcible attitude?

Personally I believe the Russians, so far, have been very timid, very relaxed and very understanding.

Above was a geopolitical and historical background that cannot, in any form or way, be ignored. If you hear anyone, regardless of this person is Journalist, politician or neighbor say that Russia is evil and wants to steal land with no reason and this person do not take above into account, that person is most likely lying or, at the very best, is totally ignorant.

But of course things are a lot worse.

The coup in Ukraine occurred with western support - according some this included direct action. The coup government now in place, legal or not, house several prominent neo-nazis. You can complain and argue against the previous administration, as you should, but the one in place now is not better – only more west-friendly. So when you (and Russians) see things like in THIS clip, is it so strange that Putin refuses to back down?

As I wrote in my previous post I believe Russia to be the only direct military threat to my birth nation of Sweden, but I cannot sit still and let the warmongering thugs of U.S. or their ass-licking allies get away with this crap. This entire situation is due to NATO/U.S. and is not anyone else’s fault. NATO/U.S. is also the entity, together with the soul-suckers of the EU(SSR), who continuously throw fire on an unnecessary situation.

I have also seen a lot of commentaries in papers and politicians in the west say that Russia won´t be satisfied with Crimea and they will either attack Ukraine with force or go further in another part of the world. To this I first say; Duh!!! But then I also need to state that this is the “war” of information they are perpetrating. Consequently they keep saying that Putin is the new Hitler, Soviet 2.0. is here, Russia is the aggressor, and the fully lawful opinion of Crimean’s should not count since… well, because!

The anti-intellectual banter and the horrific history revisionism now enacted in west is far beyond anything seen since the grandiose days of the Manmade Global Warming stupidity.

This dangerous scale of lying and exaggerations can only be interpreted as pure warmongering. They want war, or at the very least they want a new Cold War. That´s the only way to look at it.
Of course they will soon find a new bogeyman; probably Iranian terrorists with Syrian passports will be behind the Malaysian aircraft hijacking or some such made up story, but sooner or later they will get back to Putin and Russia with a new repartee of lying embellishment.

Why you may ask?

Because what I´ve been writing on this blog and screaming about for many years now, because when they have exhausted all other options and the people are starving; what will they do? They take us to war! 
This is the end game of the financial apocalypse that statists and the banksters have created. You´ll be a fool to believe otherwise.

Next up on the agenda; Iran?
They too are very nastily close to U.S. military bases, must be a reason for it...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Suicide, bitches!

If you haven´t noticed yet there is a wave of suicide among banksters.

Although not yet statistically “out of the norm” since the total number of these parasitical thieves numbers in the hundreds of thousands (if not millions). Still, this wave is decently sudden and they are piling up on the pavement so it is not hard to see conspiracists having a field day with this one.

Perhaps related is another wave of suicides going on in the Froggy business of Orange?

Or perhaps this is a unconscious reaction to where this world is going?

Regardless I am appreciating the effort and have consequently bought a nice bottle of Smirnoff and a few Russian pirogues for the weekend. I am also hopeful that this trend will make its way into the EU-parliament and get a hold of journalists across the world.

Oh, and just so it is perfectly clear: I would never, ever, for any form or reason, commit suicide – so if you see an article about a Swede jumping from a tall building in Barcelona; I was murdered.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Unified Scandinavia – important for so many reasons

These beautiful flags can be morphed into this?:

I´ve previously on this blog mentioned that I believe that we should unify Scandinavia into one entity, with one monarch, one capital and one army. In the light of world events, I feel the urge to stress this idea once again.

NATO/U.S is a disgusting entity responsible for several wars and millions of dead only during the last decade and Russia can certainly not be trusted either, and the EU(SSR) is a horrific mega-bureaucratic shithole filled with sycophants.

A unified Scandinavia would work, and probably work well. This since our history and culture is so similar.

With Finland and Iceland the total population would be circa 27 million and GDP $1600bn (higher than Australia). New roads, airports and national stadiums would be needed to be built and since parliaments and politicians should be focused around the Copenhagen/Malmö area (as I suggest to be new capital) that would save a lot of money. With this in mind and with armed forces (outside of NATO) a unified Scandinavia would have a lot stronger voice in the world. Far stronger then each country by itself put together today.

Of course there are a lot of problems. The Norwegians will be reluctant to join and the Finns will probably have some issues with it as well. Another problem will be the struggle for where to put new entities of Government and how to unite the royal houses and purely administrative political issues of that kind. If this can be handled by a proper committee without too much political involvement I do however think that such issues can be solved.

Of course merging all states into Scandinavia mean less grants needed then compered to all the governments of today - hence less total money thrown at politicians comes to administration, bureaucracy, but to pay for the merger and costs of changing currency to a Scandinavian Krona and the communications needed to be built we should sell off publicly owned businesses. Sweden alone has the possibility to sell off government entities to a value of around $70bn. The Norwegians can keep the current oil fund “in-house” but I would suggest that the money coming in as of the merger should be used for military and defense purposes. Rail-road investments, new airports, bridges and other communications will bring the different countries closer together but are also much needed investments that will benefit all in the long run.
A standing professional defense force of around 200 000-250 000 men with the very latest in technology and equipment will be second only to a very few other countries and would be deterrent enough to discourage any attacker.
The number of embassies, consulates and customs can be cut with 70-80% around the world. With Finland out of the euro and since Sweden, Finland and Denmark would be out of the EU(SSR) there are as much as $8bn to be saved each year on this alone - money that should be used to cut taxes to equal level in all countries. Again the lowest common denominator should be the target, not the highest.

Safety, a better economy, new investments and a strong voice in the world – there is no downside.

The only “downside” is for politicians. Not only will there be fewer of them, they will also be outside of NATO and outside of EU(SSR) which means far fewer seats, less income and less nepotism. I do however think we can live with that… This is however the last danger.
My main point of creating and advocating a unified Scandinavia is so we can skip any military alliances and leave the EU(SSR). If we do not leave such entities, there are much fewer benefits and the general idea sort of dissipates. Politicians will fight dirty to keep their alliances and keep their seats in Brussels so that is something that need to be handled.
As a solution, as I´ve already mentioned; all things related to this unification should be handled by normal people. A few university scholars, a few judges, a few business folk and a few union folk. Perhaps even a few from the outside who have no real stake in this – a few savvy people from, for example; England or Brazil would probably be a good idea. Very few with political affiliations and as many people of the common crowd as possible.
Scandinavia should be the opposite to the EU(SSR) - it should be a unification of the people and for the people and consequently created from below and not something that is dropped upon us with decrees. We probably also need a few referendums to make this viable, although I would prefer that we also keep those to a minimum.

With the government we should keep the monarchy as it is a great tradition and have a lot of history. We should keep the Danish crown as our new head of state. The other royal families can be given this or that task. I would suggest a two parliament system with the first house directly elected via personal vote (not party) - elected from each region i.e. around 59 people, equivalent to Governors (6 year terms). The second house is elected as per usual in the Nordic countries via party bills and would make up 289 politicians (5 year terms) – if my suggestions come to pass, imagine the uproar and screams of politicians around the realm... I would here fire over 1000 politicians and since I would also suggest that we cut their salaries in half, oh my, they will send assassins after me soon…

We also need a constitutional court and certainly a few other new or merged entities, but we can handle that with no problem. Our new constitution should of course be based on what we have today, although I would suggest a few alterations to mimic the American one and other great documents from history.
Mind you this is not exactly what I would like or want, I would personally go for a more libertarian Scandinavia, others would like to see a more socialist society, others will be against the monarchy etc. I do however feel like what I´ve suggested here, and earlier, is more viable and can be accepted by the majority. As long as this means that we leave NATO and the EU(SSR) and that we go for the lowest common denominator comes to all things economic, I believe this to be a great solution for all.