Monday, February 28, 2022

The stunning hypocrisy of EU(SSR) and NATO

 The stunning hypocrisy of the west is astounding. Not that I mind too much that they are banning Russian footballers from playing their sports, or taking away snickers from Russian kids. Nor do I care too much about condemnations or vilifying the Russians - they are used to it. And for the most part they also deserve it. Even IF you weigh in the DoD biolabs getting destroyed (yes, they exists) or acknowledge that the Azov batalion of crazy Nazis apparently like killing other white christian's for some reason (what a bunch of idiots), and even IF Ukraine wants to be member of the EU(SSR) or play in the sandbox with the other aggressive NATO children, even IF you do this and give Russia all the points you can still not be on their side simply because they attacked, they declared war, and they are the ones doing it and doing it towards other Orthodox christians. Their brothers. 

What I am against however is the hypocrisy of the west. Have you heard of the illegal bombing and slaughter of innocent in Libya? How about the 150,000 dead in Afghanistan and that illegal occupation? Or what about the 1 million dead (1 freaking million dead!!!) in their illegal war in Iraq!? What about the illegal war they are currently doing in Syria? How about the terror bombing of families and the murder of innocent by the thousands in the illegal war NATO conducted in former Yugoslavia? Or any other myriad of crimes against humanity we have seen the past decades. The super aggressive attack organisation of NATO and its main member the United States has committed more war crimes, more crimes against humanity, and more illegal actions than anything the Russians could ever do. There is no contest, in comparison the Russians are nice cuddly puppies. That is a fact. 

Another fact is that the west with NATO and EU(SSR) has declared war on Russia. By imposing these sanctions, and by sending war material to Ukraine they are actively murdering Russians, actively destroying Russian families and doing so while stealing Russian property. This while laughing and dismissing their own war crimes. Not only is this hypocrisy, it is very, very dangerous hypocrisy. Sooner or later the Russians will have had enough and they will fight back and with ANY means necessary, and can you in that case blame them? 

We are heading for nuclear war and no matter what you think of the Russian aggression, once those mushroom clouds hover over your head THAT was not the Russians fault. If you have a direct phone line to any politician or you have an option to do something about this, you better do it fast because the world is about to end. 

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