A socialistic newspaper in Sweden are giving the government some pointers how to decrease unemployment. This is the list:
- More people in government founded educations.
Yeah, we can spend hundreds of millions of the tax payer’s money on the tax payers so they become more aware of what’s going on. I’m guessing that these educational things are about learning how the rich live on the poor and how government spending can save us from government spending.
- Extra money (or subsidiaries) for buying environmentally friendly cars.
Yes! A great idea, let’s spend tax money on making useless cars more affordable to those idiots that believes that man are the cause of global warming.
- Extra money to trash old cars.
Oh yeah, this will bring in lots of new jobs destroying old things. Why didn’t anyone else think of this? There are lots of old things out there like retired people and socialism. Let’s get rid of those to make Sweden wealthier…
- Lower the taxes for retired people.
Actually not so stupid, people that already have payed taxes their whole life will pay less tax on the money they are getting back that they already payed tax for? Oh… almost doable…
- Increase the welfare program for housing for retired people
Sounds like a theme to help the elderly don’t it?
- Higher unemployment payouts
All right, can tax money be better spent then on people who are too stupid to get job so they can sit at home watching TV? People not working getting more free stuff so we can stop the financial crisis? Great idea.
- More government spending on housing
Yeah, let’s throw some more money on those houses no one wants to live in and repair those socialist housing programs so we can get more ghettos.
- Spend billions on roads and railroads
Because no one else but politicians know how to build roads and infrastructure!
This is pretty much the most stupid list you can think of. Well maybe we can throw in some anti refugee laws and heighten taxes for small businesses, but otherwise, great suggestions! These are all excellent things to decide whether or not you are a stupid person. If you buy this crap, you are an idiot. Maybe we can add a “stupidity clause” so more tax money can go out to those who believe in fairytales?