Haiti is a poor country, they couldn’t build good housing, they cannot afford good medical care, and they have had and still have lots of problems. This all the news stations and papers cable out, but the actual conclusion of this is ignored. Why? Why are they poor? Why are tens of thousands of people dead when they could have been alive?
The only conclusion coming out is that de-forestation have made it harder to grow crops, the US and others have made things worse and for some reason Voodoo can also be blamed. Sure they mention the military coups, but what about the actual policies?
Hardly a word.
Haiti has had a long trend of fascist leaders imposing socialist solutions and this is what made the country into one of the poorest in the world. People of Haiti haven’t learned to built houses or take care of themselves; they’ve been too busy with leftie rhetoric and their favorite past time has been to murder their neighbor. As we’ve seen so many times before, any country walking down this road isn’t only a poor one; they also cannot handle catastrophes of this magnitude.
And what is the response from the world? We’ll send you aid, money and food. For free. You messed up, you were idiots and believed in fairytales, but we’ll step in and bail you out now when tens of thousands have died unnecessary.
How can you avoid laughing at it?
We’ve seen it time and time again. Collectivism and statism always leads down the same path. North Korea have millions starving to death, the South is a thriving country. But it was the rain, the wind was blowing, we had the sun in our eye, it was Americas fault, and socialism didn’t fail, oh no, only a couple of decades of bad luck…
In the history of this planet not a single country has ever imposed more and more statism and not ended up on the scrapheap. It’s a natural law; the more power to the state, the more the people believe in collectivism, the more things fuck up.
Since the dawn of agriculture we’ve had the means to clothe and feed all inhabitants and put everyone to work across the globe. Still the collectivism managed to murder billions of people while billions more starve. All because you, the idiots out there, refuse to acknowledge the facts.
How can you not chuckle at this madness?
The best thing we can do to the Haitian people is to send them tools, some building equipment and a couple of Ayn Rand books. Let them learn how to re-build and fend for themselves. The only thing we will do by sending in lots of money and other stuff curtsey of tax payers is that we’ll continue to pacify the people of this island. Millions of these funds will disappear into the pockets of warlords and criminals, millions more will be taken by the government and politicians so they can withhold their lavish lifestyle. Any aid sent will be eaten and put to good use sure, but then what? When the money stop streaming in and the world hardly even remembers Haiti’s earthquake, what then?
People haven’t learned a single thing from history. You all go about like ignorant zombies thinking “that can never happen here” while putting your trust in government, just like you’ve always done. And I find it hilarious.
Man kan ju förstås skicka lärare också. Relaterat till det så hörde jag nyss om en större kommun här i Sverige som ska införa en kompetensdatabas. Där ska de registrera vilka kompetenser som finns i kommunen samt vilka som planeras behövas under de kommande åren. Utifrån detta ska de styra alla utbildningar. Ingen ny tanke förstås men jag var ändå tvungen att fråga om politikerna inte lärde sig något under alla dessa studieresor till Sovjet, som att femårsplaner inte fungerar eller så. Eller varför inte ta det inhemska exemplet med läkare. Snart sagt varenda läkare anställs och utbildas av staten, åtminstone var det så förr. Ändå råder det en ständig läkarbrist. Nu vill de införa samma idiotiska planering på allt från svetsare till ekonomer.
ReplyDeleteOh, men du förstår de som har dömts vara bättre än oss vanliga dödliga kan alltid planera och styra oss till ett lyckligare liv. Att dessa übermench egentligen förstör allt ignoreras av flertalet tills skiten träffar fläkten och då går folk ut och kräver mer av samma sak...
ReplyDeleteSom sagt, hur kul som helst.
Jag tror egentligen inte de tror att de kan. Jag tror bara de har så förtvivlat svårt att släppa kontrollen, att hysa tillit till att människor kan sköta sina egna liv. Det påminner mig om chefen för ett företag som växt från 5 till 500 anställda. Han var fortfarande den enda som hade nyckeln till förrådet där de hade verktyg för att göra enkla reparationer. Eftersom det var ett företag och inte offentlig verksamhet så märktes det dock i resultatet och han tog in en konsult som övertalade honom att låsa upp verkstan och gå ut och spela golf istället för att störa de anställda.