Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The fascists continue their agenda

The Swedish Justice Mentalist, Beatrice Ask, have called for an oversight into the new surveillance law. Apparently the police was kind of left out, they too need to have greater power to prod, check and monitor us citizens.

As I’ve said before, they will never stop. Once this has been implemented they will expand the laws into the absurd.

We’re already well into an Orwellian nightmare, but for the powers that be it will never be enough.

I once got the lady in question to come and speak at a youth-conference back in 2001 I think it was. She was great. Her topic was about democracy and how we need to protect the few from the oppression of the many. As close to libertarian you can get with any career politician.

I wonder what happened.

Did she get the fascist bug somewhere along the line? Have power corrupted her? I still like her as a person, but as a politician she’s very scary.

The synonym to politics is ‘hypocrisy’

Sweden has a system of household services tax relief. Apparently pretty popular but the leftie opposition has declared it will abolish if it wins the autumn election.

I’m against this idea myself. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is great to lower taxes, but taxation shouldn’t be arbitrary and focused on a particular area. Better to lower them across the board and make them equal no matter what area or market we’re talking about. One particular section of the economy shouldn’t get tax relief when others don’t. That’s just wrong.

Anyway, to no surprise the Social Democrat opposition has several senior politicians that make good use of the system. Do as we say, don’t do as we do.

This isn’t the first time, and certainly not the last. The Social democrats are against private healthcare, but many of them buy their way into private clinics. They are against making rent-apartment into ownership properties, but they buy and sell their own as often they can. They complain over how the “rich” have too much, but if you can name a single household name within that party that can’t be labeled with the epithet “rich” I will eat my laptop.

I don’t like the current administration, too controlling, too fascist, too much central planning and they have bought into the climate scam as well as many other hoaxes they try to force down the public’s throats. I cannot stand the ministers, and the Prime Mentalist looks like a cartoon character. The Swedish leadership should be thrown out of power.

But the hypocrisy of the Social Democrats is just too much. And they do have the ugliest leader ever seen; a person that’s been caught cheating on her taxes and used government credit-cards for her own personal amusement and hired black laborers. How anyone can vote for such shrubs is beyond me.

Not to mention their partners in crime, the communists and the tree-huggers. Lunatics in their own right.

In the end it doesn’t really matter though. The policies are almost identical, only the insane can see any real difference between 1-2% higher or lower taxes – which is the only distinction between the two sides.

All they want is for you to be a good little citizen that vote and don’t mind being constantly under surveillance and say ‘thank you’ when getting pushed around by faceless bureaucrats.

Why even bother with a vote?

In fact the elitist’s only real fear is to not have the silent consent of the general public hence ignoring the ballot is probably the best way of giving it to the man. Well, with the exception of losing their seats of course so if you gonna vote, please vote for the pirates, the so called “racists” or the libertarian party.

The Mayflower Project

"I think we need to pack up obama, reid, pelosi and the rest of the libtards and ship them over to GB, then gather up Hannan and the rest of the reasonable, freedom loving people of England (and the rest of Europe for that matter) and bring them over here, a “Prisoner exchange” of sorts.

We need to clean out those with the european mindset and resupply ourselves with those having the “American” mindset, we can call it the “Mayflower Project”"
/ blogger 'Willie Wonka'

The sixth extinction

Billions of years of life on this planet have gone through several devastating disasters. Scientists have figured out that mass-extinctions have occurred five times before. Each earth-shattering event has destroyed a ¼ or more of all the beings living here.

The question isn’t IF it will happen again, the question is when.

Or maybe the question should be; by what means will this happen?

Homo sapiens are by all accounts a young species. Our kind have only roamed the earth for 200 000 years or so. Even if we during that time have experienced an Ice-age as well as large meteorites crashing and giant volcanoes erupting, we’ve yet to see anything really cataclysmic.

Isn’t it time soon?

The fifth (and latest) major extinction circa 65 millions of years ago eliminated > 17% of families on the planet, including the Dinosaurs. Most likely caused by one (possibly multiple) collisions between Earth and an extraterrestrial body (probably cometary), although some geologists point to a great volcanic event as a possible alternative.

The third major Extinction circa 245 millions of years ago, probably had the same cause as the fifth one, the others is generally regarded to have to do with major, and quite sudden, shifts in climate.

With this in mind it seems that climate change (a real one, not the made-up manmade one) or a large celestial crash should have the lowest odds in Vegas. There are however other possibilities.

Massive solar flare eruptions may both change climate and our geological situation at the same time as such an event would knock out most of our technology. We have cosmic rays from space as a constant threat. Reversal of the magnetic poles (especially if it happens fast) is also a possibility. The introduction of some alien substance, intelligent or not, will also be in this category. Just to mention a few.

But what about ourselves? Couldn’t we do it? Of course we could.

Some mean this is already on the way.

The transformation of the landscape, the overexploitation of species and, of course, pollution is said to contribute to the 30 000 species that go into the light each year. Although such doomsday sayers rarely count the number of new species emerging at the same time or even contemplate that many of those animals would go extinct regardless of human intervention, we can’t really dismiss it either.

My question in this scenario is; who cares? I mean why should be bother with useless animals rendered extinct? I don’t see the point. Only the animals we have use for or the ones who’re vital for ecosystems we depend on should be incorporated into any calculation.

The sixth extinction will only be dangerous if it happens to us, us humans. I don’t care if Polar Bears or any Condor turns into rotting corpses, why would I?

We could talk nuclear holocausts and I do admit it is a possibility, but not very likely one, at least not without other events preceding. It is far more likely that a comet strikes again. But wouldn’t a total break-down of our societies into anarchy, disaster and mass-starvation that will kill tens (maybe hundreds) of millions of people be the worst scenario?

I would think so, and this is also the only real threat. If a comet comes our way today or very soon, maybe we cannot do anything about it. The same goes for solar flares and cosmic rays. But give the human race enough time and we will come up with solid defenses against any such events. I’m absolutely sure about that.
What we don’t have a defense against is ourselves, and here’s where the real threat is.

And I’m not talking any made-up hoax about over-exploitation or the scam of manmade global warming. Such madness has nothing to do with this.

History shows us that the only thing we excel at more than our magical ability to survive and come up with new ways of adapting, is our imagination when it comes to kill each other.

There’s literarily no end to ways of killing other humans. Everything from The iron maiden to socialism, from stoning to The Pear of Anguish to burning people alive.

Instrumental in this task throughout the ages have been government. Not only the only entity able to start wars, it has also, with good aid from Churches and different religions, been the main inventor of torture devices and different ways of execution.

Certainly we can then say in our time and age, with the re-emerging of the state as our main contributor and effecter into human life; that we’re getting into more and more trouble. The bigger and stronger government, the more likely our doom seem.

So when our contemporary societies are heading for social- and economic upheavals with a very likely outcome of bigger and stronger government I cannot help thinking that the sixth extinction is closing in.

If my thoughts about our economic mess holds and the coming years will dwarf the “Great Depression” in severity, and if this leads to, what is usually the case, totalitarian ideas growing and that some of those funny little men with funny little plans comes to power, aren’t we then very close?

Just imagine if we would have had weapons of mass destruction available to all back in the 30’s. How would our world look today if that had been the case?

Personally I would prefer the comet or Alien scenario. At least then we could go out with a bang against an outside threat. Sadly even such an event, if we survived it, would be claimed by government. Surely they saved us? And so we’re back into the circle of expanding government and us closing in on our own destruction.

I think it is very ironic and quite amusing, that the most intelligent species ever evolved on this planet with the ability to survive and thrive only surpassed by the cockroach, will destroy itself. As long as collectivism and statism is growing, that’s the end of the road we’re heading for.

My hope is that we go fast; I’ve always hated long goodbyes. So to you lefties and other lunatics out there; speed it up will ’ya!

The funniest thing I can think of is to sit somewhere, eating popcorn and drinking vodka, watching our doom unfolding. As things go right now, I might get to experience that, if not killed before. So go! Speed it up! Please.

The “right” should avoid winning coming elections

I’ve seen similar things argued about different countries, and I will follow up on that and point out that the same goes for Sweden.

The coming years will certainly be very hard, both financially and politically. The debt-mountains, the rampaging inflation, giant bubbles, overvalued markets, commodity manipulations and lots more are right now leading up to the mother crash of all crashes. The tsunami-wave of economic disaster lurking at the horizon will lead to absolute meltdown and will save no-one.

Whoever runs the country will be absolutely crushed as a political entity.

So the general elections coming up in Sweden, as well as UK and the Czech republic during this year will determine not only who will be running these countries but also what political party that will probably not rule again for many decades thereafter.

I will even go so far that the ones leading will be in mortal danger. The extremes of our situation and the worse it gets will make people go postal. People will die. Politicians will die.

In other words, no-one in their right mind would like to lead any country during these circumstances. No matter what anyone does, things will turn into a shit-storm without precedence.

Some of those in charge right now probably know this, but most don’t or trick themselves into believing in the fairytales. Whatever the case, I would urge anyone that doesn’t want to destroy their political and maybe personal future to lose the general elections.

After that blame the other guys. And let’s face it; politicians do the blame-game better than anything else. They are masters at it.

Sadly there are hardly any real “right” parties out there. They are all more or less center-left and there are certainly not any libertarian ideas embraced by any of the mainstream political parties.

But maybe this situation will open up the floor for such parties to come into being? Maybe people realized that the ones warning about the depression and screaming about the faults have almost all been libertarians? Maybe, just maybe there’s hope for the future.