Do as I say and you will get 3000 Bucks for Thingamajigs!
I do not get divine omens from entrails or Feng Shui
interpretations. No, my pearls of wisdom comes from a very unlikely source;
common sense!
You know that stuff you sold together with your soul a long
time ago so you would be bestowed with the grace of public officials while
queuing to get that operation.
Let me ask you; do you even know what common sense is?
While walking home from the pub in high heels, do you take
the shortcut through the dark musty alley or do you hitch a ride with those
hooded men waving at you from a dark van without license plate? How many times
have you had sex without a condom rolling that dice of chance where 1-2 gives
you STD and 3-4 pregnancy and 5-6 gets you off the hook? Have you ever gotten beaten
up by your insignificant other, again and again, but constantly made up excuses
and still stayed? Started a gay bar in a Nazi neighborhood lately? Have you
ever tried to fight the system truly believing you could win? Still think your
kids will learn something in public schools?
Do you still believe thatpoliticians are NOT in liege with banksters and journalists in an evil
co-dependent unity?
Oh, and probably my favorite; Ever inoculated your kids
because a smug salesperson of big pharma say it’s a good idea?
Common sense is such a rare commodity these days that it
should be regarded as a superpower.
Just look at our pending financial Armageddon. Here you have
obvious truths, clear as day, starring us straight in the face beeping,
flashing and screaming at us; hey! Look here! And what do people do? They turn
away, shield their eyes and mumble something incoherent while erratically walking
out in traffic as the zombies they are.
Any smudge of sanity popping up in a sheepish head is
swiftly brushed away with platitudes those deemed better has taught us.
There is war going on in Afghanistan where a horrible
oppressive puppet government now rule and families are getting butchered, women
are getting raped by American soldiers and poppy fields are flourishing like
never before, but you believe it is about protecting women and deposing a
horrible oppressive government while stopping the drug trade, don´t you?
When your central bank lowers interest rates and print
shitloads money to help politicians fulfill election promises and when
banksters throw trillions at other banksters so they can buy more treasuries
and hog the market, you think they are really helping the economy to grow and
that freshly printed cash will come to your benefit as well, don´t you?
Sure you do.
And when your government tells you that they will impose a
slim tax increase of 1% on the rich which actually means higher taxation for
the middle class transferring money to banks, to unelected bureaucrats and to political
bodies while creating bottle necks, you actually think that that money will go
to the poor and elderly, don´t you?
Sure you do, you know you do.
And those new
restrictions, taxes and bans put on internet meant to spy on us regular folk and
created in order to protect the elitist sphere while SWAT-teams hunt down
horrible criminals like 14y old kids downloading music, you actually think such
laws and regulations are there to track down pedophiles and terrorists. Don’t
You think it matters who you vote for? Of course you do.
Common sense is defined by Merriam-Webster
as, "sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the
situation or facts."
If you say that above defines how you make your decisions
and that this is the basis for how you perceive what is going on in the world,
then you are either lying to yourself or you should commit yourself to the
nearest psychiatric ward before your hurt
There are of course a few exceptions among you lot. Also there
are a few herded creatures who, once in a while, think rationally and with a
clear head. I think I belong to the second category because when it comes to
things like, for example love; well then I am a complete idiot to.
Generally though most of you are idiots. Not because you
necessarily are stupid, but you rather chose to be shepherded by those deemed
better than to use your synapses for other things then your favorite TV-show. Sometimes
hard to understand why though. That childish munchkin business reeled upon us
from up high is communicated by self-serving, holier than thou, self-righteous,
pious parasites who work for soul-sucking demonesque masterminds of our
destruction – and this! I actually think most of you know.
It’s hard to understand why so many refuse to see the
malevolent dealings going on. Probably a defense mechanism properly defined as:
“don´t see, don't hear, don't speak".
Politicians hate you, the powers hate you, and the entire
system is built around hatred towards you and humankind. Still you follow along
like a good little lamb. Putting your trust unto the lords of social services,
police or whatever else is controlled by the elitists and paid for by you.
Mostly the only thing a politician has to do is to promise
you a fluffy happy life filled with sunshine and green grass and furry snakes
and fairies riding bunny rabbits while money rain from the sky and every stone
is made out of gold. You morons fall for it every time, and this has very
little to do with left or right or colors of a political party, they all do it,
with different degrees of success of course, but they all do it.
Honestly, this is not necessarily such a big problem. Sure
the thieving of you by vile sneaky bastards will create problems and hurt a
little, and it’s always fun to stack up a decent body count curtsey of
government, but generally speaking those above only rule to a certain degree
since rebellions otherwise will ensue. Their thievery cannot be too much in the
open because even the sheepiest of sheep will fight back if backed into a
But when our benevolent leaders join forces with media (that
consequently refuse to show the thievery and trickery) and get their fatness increased
by banksters greasing the wheel the scams reach new heights - not always easy to
see through. When we add in global cabals of pure nastiness and let Great
Leaders create new cushy institutions above national level so to increase their
power and wealth, that’s when the real trouble starts. Let that situation
fester and grow for a while and we get wars, recessions, depressions, and a
total detachment of those ruling us. They get God-complexes and alienate themselves and see anything
and anyone threatening their power as “terrorists”.
Let it go even further and we end up where we are today.
Let it go even further than that, and we get The Greatest
Depression, World War III and perhaps the end of humankind as we know it.
Of course our fantastic leaders should be dealt with according
to their conduct, and by their own standards they should be judged, but sadly
the ones suffering the most and the ones bearing the first blows will not be
those above, it will be you. In essence you are responsible for your own
You should fear evil, because no one is with you and the rod
and the staff will not comfort you, they will instead be shoved up your rear
end without lubrication and as such you will walk through the shadowy valley of
death and mayhem until you get your sense of dignity and morality back. You all
need to regain common sense, and with that we can get past whatever will befall
Until you do, we are utterly, deeply, roughly and completely
screwed - and not in a good way.