Mwah Ha ha ha!
Recently I´ve been forced to reevaluate my position on Polar Bears. Of course a woman and some sickly underpaid workers are behind this little plot, seemingly arguing that a person not freezing when its -5 degrees Celsius can be regarded as a fluffy carnivorous white bear.
However it will take more than a sexy tail and a bunch of slaves to convince me that Polar Bears shouldn´t be put down any way possible.
The “Polar Bears are going extinct” wankfest thought up by totalitarian lefties and their eugenic followers is a part of the Manmade Global Warming scam. As the Church of Climatology argues; if we don´t stop driving cars, stop having house pets and stop buying lubrication we will all perish in hellish fires once Polar Bears have died out and ice caps have liquefied into that horrible H2O.
The problem with this notion is of course that it’s all make-believe. Not only do the doomsayers totally lack in evidence, in actuality the facts seem to contradict every single thing they say. This don´t stop them though, probably because without commercial pressure there’s no effective external discipline. The media and politicians run with this scam because they stand to gain from it, and so do many “scientists” and “researches” getting their grants approved or taken away depending on their stance on the Manmade Global Warming fraud. Teachers, lefties as most are, have taken the swindle to heart and the few opposing voices are being told that they are “deniers” and are paid for by oil companies.
Facts, rational thinking and intellect are elusive things nowhere to be found.
The fact that Polar Bears are actually doing great is ignored. The worldwide polar bear population is somewhere around 25,000 today - a number that has either held steady over the last 20 years or has risen slightly. And that’s more than double the around 10,000 that were living in the 1960s. The fact that polar bears are a nuisance and is one of only two species of animals on this planet that actively hunt and kill people, is also ignored.
I´ve even read a newspaper that claimed that Polar Bears are forced into cannibalism because we drive cars, which is, of course, another lie. Polar Bears are cannibals of nature, always have been. If food is scarce, which it is now and again, the circle of life you know, then they resort to nibbling on each others’ flesh. Actually the main killers of Polar Bears are other Polar Bears. Always have been.
But do you know what the strangest thing about Polar Bears is? They exist today. About thousand years ago, during the ‘Dark Ages’ we had a warm period for several hundreds of years, much warmer then today, but somehow these retched creatures survived. So today, when the temperature is steady below that, Polar Bears are for some reason going extinct and “forced” into cannibalism despite - or maybe because of - growing in numbers? Does anyone else but me smell the rotten clubbed baby seal?
To me the only time I can actually agree with and cheer on Sarah Fucking Palin (whom anyone can tell she’s into scat, watersports and dwarf tossing) is when she´s forcing her daughters to wear strap-ons and attack fish with as a training for the big day when they roger their first icebear to death. Kind of scary being in agreement with the woman that is surely to start world war III if she ever take possession of the Oval Office.
Nevertheless I don´t understand why people care about one species or the other. Why aren’t you crying about Quagga’s, Mammuths or Dodo’s? Did they die out from man-made global warming? Or how about the dinosaurs? Did factories or cars kill them? Or how about the hundreds of thousands of extinct species of fish or birds? Too bad the enviro nazis wasn’t around millions of years ago; maybe we could still see some of those. It is just complete madness to try to save animals all the time. And to blame humans for the natural order of this planet with constant changes of climate, temperature and weather is so profoundly stupid that it’s hard to believe.
It’s a scam.
And since it’s a proven scam I cannot believe how so many of you can bend over and take tax after tax and regulation after regulation. If you ever wanted proof of the stupidity of humans, then this is it. Imbecile hoards of sheople gathering around the tele to watch Big Mah lie to them while they´re nibbling on processed food and drinking beer is the very apex of humorous collective insanity.
Every day about 20 animals go extinct, no matter what we do. 99.99% of all the species that ever lived on this planet is gone! Extinct! Dead! Humans did not kill them, nature itself did. And even if we have killed of some useless creatures, why should we care? Some bought and paid for biologist will probably tell you that we would disrupt a eco system somewhere. So? Even if, what does that do to us? We can always cultivate more chickens in tight small spaces and knock of more cows if we need food. And if there was a sudden increase in vermin because some predator died out, we can always throw chemicals around or create special hunting seasons. May even give birth to a new reality show; “The Rat Killers” – whoever kills the most rats in a abandoned building in 24hrs gets 100 free Big Mac’s and get to go out on a date with some C-starlet who did soft-core porn because her daddy touched her breast by accident one time.
A tad sanity, that’s all that I ask for, is that too much?
Even I, with my cynical loathsome approach to much of humanity, didn’t think that the sheople of this world would be so utterly insane that they would believe in something that make the claim “the moon is made out of cheese” seem rational.
This is the ultimate test of sanity and intelligence. Forget Mensa or university degrees, if you really want to know how far above the ameba you are in evolutionary steps, this is it.
Many years ago I figured out what the real agenda behind this scam is, all on my own, only reading and making my own conclusions. No oil-company paid me to search for any form of validity, no big business gave me stuff to follow scary claims to their origin, no heartless rich banker in top-hat hired me to look into what UN and other entities have said.
You know what I found?
– That not a single one of the alarmists’ ideas or claims holds. Not one.
I still haven’t found a single argument that holds, there’s no fact supporting the notion of manmade global warming, there’s no evidence, no science, nothing, nada, zilch.
And no, I’m not a scientist, but even a layman should be able to find some sort of validity, right? I haven’t. And believe me, I’ve tried.
Polar Bears may look sort of cute and cuddly and so I can see how I can be rewarded with such an epithet, being Swedish and all, but that doesn’t mean I can relate to their supposed dilemma. Fictitious as it is. If Polar Bears die out, which I cannot see happening, at least not before we humans go poff, I won´t cry a single tear. Looking around the world and seeing how tremendously suckered you fools are however I may shed one or two tears, at least for the poor souls who dies because of it.