Friday, April 24, 2009

Liberate courthouses

As some bloggers correctly have pointed out, including me in a non PC-way is that Swedish courthouses are not only being told what to do from politicians, they are also controlled by politicians and most funny of all; politicians make rulings in trials. I myself have never understood this complete madness and if ever ending up in a trial in my home-country, no matter what the circumstances, I would argue and protest against my judges. Politicians with no law degree and an interest in how rulings should be made, have no right being my executioners.

I have been asked a couple of times if I wanted to sit as “judge” - probably been asked in order to “get rid” of me in other political bodies. I turned them down each time since I knew my efforts were more needed elsewhere but also because I knew I would never be able to rule according to the law. If someone comes in accused for tax aversion or making their own hooch I would argue for and rule for acquitting. Those “crimes” without any victims that should be regarded as heroism or perfectly legal is not something I could ever regard as “illegal” even if I’m representing the law. And if some apparently guilty rapist would sit in front of me I would argue for 50 years imprisonment and torture, also with no regard to what the law says. Even if some of the other politicians being appointed by their respective parties wouldn’t be as “incorrect” as I would, they too are victims under their own agenda. How can an environmentalist rule fairly in a case regarding dumping of hazards’ material in nature? How can a socialist rule fairly when it comes to taxes? How can a conservative rule fairly in any case where the law has been broken? The answer is they cannot.

To be fair this is not only the politician “judges” fault that this situation arises, it is mainly the law itself that is wrong in oh so many ways. I would argue that over 90% of our laws, in any country, are unnecessary and completely idiotic. With more objective laws based on actual crimes being committed politician judges might be able to cope with making the rulings. Judges and their impartiality should be questioned, but isn’t the real problem the political influence?

Swedish courthouses are a bias and totally unfair system and this should be changed. Not that I think that any of you reading this will ever take the necessary steps to make this happen, but maybe you might when our entire society is crumbling , unemployment is sky-high and there is no hope of recovery. Because that’s where we are heading right now. This economic crisis is just in its infancy and when the real mayhem starts you people are forced to make a decision. Are you going to follow some well-spoken socialist and take us further down the abyss or are you going to make the right choice and finally impose a humanitarian and rightful way of living?

Forever Young?

This might be the only hope left. Listen and enjoy…


This is going to sound a bit corny, but when I was very young and played with little soldiers in the sand-box my main fighters and the ones I was looking for when buying more of these fun little things was one of these:

I’m just saying…

Where is that Piratebay game?

A Judge is bribed, bought, hangs with copyright people and does back-flips together with movie executives on his spare time. But what has this poor sod really done that is so horrible? Had champagne in the same room as the prosecutors on a couple of occasion and been involved in an organisation that sometimes debate copyright laws? Whoopydooda. I have heard politicians call-up hospital chiefs to get their friends an earlier operation; I have seen politicians hire their own family thru contributions that should be going to the poor; I have listen to a lawyer argue a case for a rape victim and calling her with the wrong name thru half the trial; I have seen a journalist that was put in charge of monitoring a certain parliamentarian, but had sex with the “target” and then wrote a nice little piece “forgetting” certain facts. To this we can ad all the scandals with credit-cards, prostitutes and strip-clubs our elected criminals throw tax money on. And not to mention all the idiotic things that never reach the daylight. There is so much amusing shit going on in the world of the enemy class that this Judge is a beacon of light in comparison.

And I don’t really see the point from the piracy boy’s side on bringing this story around fifty-eight times if the notion is to get a mistrial. That will never happen. The accusations we have seen so far aren’t severe enough and the work in itself seams to have been carried out. Finally it doesn’t matter whatsoever who the judge is. Politicians sitting at the courthouse under duress and indirect orders from their party headquarters will never acquit. It is at the next court level with people that actually knows the law the “real” ruling will be made (reduced sentences but still found guilty?). The only thing all this attention will do is to make the next level judges a bit testy since “we” are attacking one of their own. And as I implied above, there is only so much you can spin a story before it makes you look to aggressive and consequently lose your high-ground. We can all agree this Judge never should have handled this trial and that this ruling is appalling. But let’s get the amusing theatre on the road again and let’s see what fun things we can find at the next level. Maybe some mushrooms that makes us temporarily bigger?

And that’s what I’m really waiting for. ‘The Piratebay game’, in which you fight bribed judges, kill bought politicians and knock citizens over the head with a newly burned DVD in order to save them from the zombie curse. If I knew anything about computers except finding porn and writing a blog, I would do it myself, but I eagerly await that game.