Thursday, July 23, 2009

The only “good” news from Sweden

As I have mentioned before the Swedish government, despite leaning towards megalomania and having some pure fascist tendencies, still manage to do a couple of things semi-right. They have not been bailing out every loud screaming stupid company and they haven’t, yet, been throwing stimulus around like there is no tomorrow. In some cases they have even been doing things right. Like Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD) that, instead of stealing more money from the treasury, is saving money by closing down 4 consulates and one embassy. Which ones, where or how isn't that important, the will to do the right thing is.

Together with those brain-dead cornflake economists at the Swedish Central Bank they are destroying the economy, and add too that those fascist laws being created and Sweden really has a terrible government, but the Swedish administration is still much better than almost every other government on this planet. Isn’t that fun? This world is so crazy and going so far down towards the deepest caves of hell that even a semi-fascist government, without basic math knowledge, controlled by power-hungry idiots is getting praised.

Oh, we are so screwed….


  1. my mum aint stupid :(

  2. If you have to defend her she probably is more stupid than any other mum, but that has very little to do with this other than I guess your mum vote for the communists...

  3. Must be very nice to be sooooo superior compared to us other mortals

  4. Not really, I would argue the opposite. Knowledge about what’s going on is not bliss, it is a curse. It is much better just parading around going lalalalala and have nothing to worry about in the world. Which is also one of many reasons why people remain stupid, they don't wanna know.

  5. Your headline in your blog, will be a quote in the future. Fantastic written.

  6. Now, I do agree with you on most that you wrote here...especially the part about our politicians.

    But don't praise UD, they may have closed down a few places but prior to that they opened up shop in Khartoum, Baghdad and Kabul (logical I guess, since 10% of the "people" living in Sweden come from areas around there).

    It is not a sign of them doing something smart, it's just another case of them fkn us over...they are probably preparing to let in another 1½ million criminals from the worst countries on the planet.

  7. Illwill:
    Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but I'm "praising" them because it is almost the right intention, not that they are doing a great job. As I thought I made clear, most politicians and governments are doing the complete opposite of what they ought to be doing, so it is refreshing that the Swedish government isn't the worst one for a change.

  8. Roland:
    Quote as much as you want, it would be good if you gave me some cred or linked once in a while, but feel free to steal as much as you like. This is not a Hollywood movie site or a fascist government blog, please go ahead use whatever you like and stop by whenever you feel like it.

  9. I still think u apologize should to my mum :(
