Friday, February 26, 2010

Legalize self-defense now

Every day our papers and news are filled with shop or home owners getting robbed, stabbed, and beaten.

Families get attacked, women get raped and all the time the only thing the police can do is to pick you up and drive you to the hospital.

Catching the perpetrator?

Well, in the few cases the police actually use their resources for other things than chasing down file-shares, cannabis smokers, and people driving little too fast and other hardened criminals, they do sometimes catch one or two. Mostly by accident since only the highly stupid, the very young or the extremely high ones are so dumb they get caught.

There are two reasons why self-defense should be legal.

Firstly every person should be able to defend themselves against any attacker. This ought to be an absolute human right no-one should even question. To a certain extent this is allowed in most countries, but only to a point. The number of people getting convicted for using too much violence or hurting the actual criminal is staggeringly high. Often the victim might even get more jail-time than the attacker, which is absolutely horrific.

The second reason why people should be able to defend themselves is because of the same reason self-defense is illegal. The main offender, the entity that hurt and kills most people worldwide and the main murderer of man throughout the ages is also the entity that doesn’t want you to be able to defend yourself; Your Government.

Nothing comes even close to government when we talk about violence. Even if we put all robbers, thieves, rapists or serial killers together they wouldn’t even compete in the same league.

But citizens cannot be allowed to defend themselves against government, how would that look? If we were allowed to defend ourselves would we then pay for politician’s lavish lifestyle? Would we willingly give away our property to the city council? Could they take away most of our paycheck and buy private jets and build statues of themselves if we, the people, are armed?

This is what they are afraid of, not being able to control you, me and everyone else. And so self-defense is outlawed.

But by all means, don’t listen to me, listen to this woman:

It is better that shop keepers get stabbed to death, women get raped every day and that people live in fear than that they are armed and can defend themselves. This is the essence of government.

I think it is time for us the people to stand up for ourselves. Time to get armed. Time to actually say ‘I am going to defend myself, if you lock me up for that, I will defend myself again, this time against you’

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