Monday, August 3, 2009

Young, blushing and ready?

I will probably be blamed for being a bigot just by putting this link out there, but this is funny shit. First I thought it was horrific, and it is, but then thinking about it I draw the conclusion this is freaking hilarious. Didn't we leave practises like this behind us, oh say, 1000 years ago?

Please visit Counting Cats in Zanzibar and read the story behind this picture:

I have checked this and it seems to be true... Have not been able to confirm it 100% yet though, but it seems to be...

Update: Several people are claiming those girls not being the ones being wed, however I have not seen any proof of this and when you watch the movie it seams very clear to me. It might be a cultural thing but I hardly see how... But I do pull down the accuracy to around 85% at this time. Check the net and see what you find and please prove me wrong...


  1. Är det verkligen de här småflickorna som ska gifta sig med männen? Har svårt för att tro på det, men i så fall är det det vidrigaste jag sett på länge...

  2. It does not completely say, but all the links and indications say so... very strange that media does not say it stright out... Journalists again, fucking idiots...
