Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The magical taxation – or: you are an idiot

One of the keys to knowing if you are a real idiot or not is to ask yourselves about taxes. If you believe that taxation of your income can create jobs, heal the sick or solve the worlds starving, then you are a complete idiot. Sad to say, most people think this and consequently most people are idiots.

Let us look at the new American president’s enormous spending spree for a moment. In just a couple of days he has manage to spend $900,000,000,000 which is meant to create 3,000,000 jobs, or $300,000 per job (excluding the interest on this borrowed money, and excluded the cost for collecting and sending out this money to and from the people). So over $300,000 per job, which is well over the normal income, but please remember, this is also a onetime offer. Most of these jobs need to be kept so the government will need to take more money and send it back out all over again. And the debt created by this enormous spending needs to be repaid.

Can’t you see the complete absurdity in this? If not, you are an idiot.

There is no program, no welfare, and no government spending towards the people that the people themselves are not paying for. Everything the government does, they do for your money. Every time they promise you jobs, education, better healthcare, you are the one paying for it. Every time you see a politician telling people that he/she has the answer, what they really are saying is that they have the answer if you pay for it. And politicians themselves just costs money, they do not generate any contribution what so ever. So to elect a politician that will decide over your life and to give them your money so they can hand (some of it) back to you through political channels, is what going on in the democratically system. Nothing else. And why do people keep falling for this? This is one of the biggest mysteries of all time. Somehow politicians have manage do hide one hand (the one stealing your money) and only show the other hand “giving” healthcare, welfare and jobs. All along politicians only real purpose in life is to increase their power, on your expense, and keep stealing from you so they can send stuff back to you keeping this wheel of absurdity rolling. If there were a magical bag somewhere from which money, gold and jewelry was flowing, never ending, I might get a little bit of this sad part of human idiocy. If politicians somehow were automatically imbedded with mystical energy as soon as they reach the public office, there might be some reason to have public spending. But instead we can, with absolute certainty, state that people of this world are incredibly stupid and politicians will keep stealing, murdering and controlling our life’s until more people wakes up and realize how stupid they really are.

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