Thursday, November 5, 2009

The never ending story of pigs

Ah, finally media is catching on. As clearly stated in documents from the International Flu Conference held in US earlier this year and as anyone with the slightest knowledge how the elitists work already knows, there is only a question of time before quarantines are imposed, children are stopped from going to school and/or we get a separation of some sorts between the not yet infected and the ones that already had this mild cold.

However, the facts are still ignored: Fat people are less likely to suffer, the young are not particularly exposed, the swine flu is a very mild disease, and the death-rate is ridiculously low. All of this is facts, but media seem to claim the opposite. Maybe they get these facts later on as well as the “secret” plan of quarantines and such?

On a related note my sister and a couple of friends of mine got papers home yesterday that in a very imposing manor state that a their kids have a scheduled appointment for vaccination and they should be there on such and such time. The letter didn’t seem to offer any choice on the matter, so I’m going to repeat myself. Anyone that comes near me or mine with any form of forced inoculation better prepare to die. This is a limit I will not let anyone cross. I don’t care if it’s the police, a doctor or the freaking king himself, I’ll kill you. And no, this is not a joke.

As people with half a brain already know, it’s much better to have this mild flu instead of taking the vaccine, and since the death-rate is so low any shot is very unnecessary. To refuse the injection is to think of your fellow man and future outbreaks, not to speak of the potential hazards of the content. I’ve no problem taking a vaccine or medicine if it’s the proper solution and it’s really needed to protect myself from a dangerous disease, in this case it’s not needed. And no matter what claim the main benefactors of this scam, the pharmaceutical companies, have the vaccine has not been properly tested. Their own documents state the fact.



    För att citera: "Men om vi inte vaccinerar oss kommer 38 personer dö – trots att de får intensivvård."----"För en vecka sedan hade en miljon svenskar vaccinerat sig."

    Kändes så skönt att läsa din blogg! Varför denna HYSTERI?!!
    Jag vet inte hur många som brukar vaccinera sig mot den årliga återkommande influensan, men skulle tro att den har fler än 38 dödsfall. Observera att svininfluensan skulle ge ca 38 dödsfall om INGEN vaccinerade sig. Nu har ju folk blivit skrämda till vaccinering och dessa 1 miljon människor har gjort sitt val. Jag har gjort mitt val vilket är att avstå från vaccin. Mitt beslut grundar sig på det som jag ser som min sanning, men är så fruktansvärt less på att hela tiden behöva försvara min ståndpunkt!

  2. The Polish Health Minister Eva Kopacz today told Parliament during a heated debate on the swine flu vaccination that she, as a qualified family doctor with more than 20 year of experience, will not authorise the use of untested vaccines on millions of people in Poland when there is inadequate information about the safety of the jabs.

She said the secret contract that the Polish government was supposed to sign with pharmaceutical companies had more than 20 clauses which are against the law.

Kopacz noted that governments in Western Europe had signed secret agreements with pharmaceutical companies, but suggested that the prosperity of the people of Poland was more important to her than the profits of Big Pharma.

She noted that there are three vaccines proposed for Poland with different types of adjuvants and was concerned that these vaccines were all being treated as if they were the same.

In addition, she observed that only 13 % of the people in Germany want to take the swine flu jab even though 5 times more people in Germany take the regular flu shot than in Poland, and asked why the Germans are so unwilling to take the jab.

She said there was secrecy surrounding the contents of the vaccines. There is no information about the amount of adjuvants in the vaccinesm, she added.

Furthermore, the family doctor and Health Minister said there is absolutely no information about the side effects of the swine flu jab. The pharmaceutical companies did not want to take responsibilty for the jab.

Also, she said that trials for the swine flu jab were being conducted on a relatively small number of healthy people and that these were not adequate for her to recommend the jab.

Moreover, Kopacz said that the regular flu was much more common and dangerous than the swine flu - and yet no pandemic had been declared over the seasonal flu.

Why is there such a panic about the swine flu virus? She asked.

Kopacz said that the Polish people can tell the difference between objective facts and the truth and lies.
    She noted that all 193 people who allegedly had the swine flu in Poland had survived.

Finally, she called on the people of Poland to show their support for her as she comes under growing pressure from the pushers of the "swine flu" jab to give the people the dangerous and untested jab.

  3. Först var det ett oherrans gastande om "hysteri" och alla skulle spela balla opch oberörda.

    Sen var det dårfinkarnas tur. Alla gastade om hur livsfarligt vaccinet var.

    Nu är dessa båda opinioner knäpp tysta. Idioterna står med brallorna nere.

    Själv har jag hela tiden förutsett att det skulle bli så här, och varnat, och varnat, och varnat på nätet. Varit mycket aktiv i just den kampanjen.

    En riktig fjolla har minsann tröttnat på hysterin och tycker alltihop är löjligt. Jaha. Nå, så är det ingen fara då.

    Nu börjar vi se facit. Många är svårt sjuka, och antalet växer. Kom sedan i håg, att vi kan vänta den tredje och allvarligaste vågen runt februari-mars. Självklart skall man vaccinera sig. Flertalet svårt sjuka är redan vaccinerade. Man skall komma ihåg att vaccineffekten tar åtminstone ett par veckor på sig medan epidemin nu sprids mycket snabbt, och för övrigt vet vi mycket litet om hur effektivt vaccinet är.

    Myndigheterna och regeringen har möjligen varit naiva, men har åtminstone haft god vilja. Näppelunda hade en svensk vaccinfabrik kommit i gång lagom till att producera det vaccin vi nu har, så den diskussionen är inte aktuellt relevant. Rätta mig om jag har fel.

    Vad som måste göras AKUT är ju uppenbart, nämligen att genast stänga alla skolor, och så¨många arbetsplatser som möjligt, för att hejda epidemin tills vaccinationerna hunnit i kapp. På så sätt kan vi motverka produktionens fördröjningar, och realisera "pappersprodukternas" intentioner. Dessa har åtminstone varit goda. Det är bättre att göra något konstruktivt än att bara komma med kritik.

  4. Kraxpelax: Ditt förslag om att stänga ner samhället vore förträffligt från min synvinkel, inte för att jag tror att det hjälper eller är nödvändigt, utan för att det skulle kosta sisådär hundra miljarder och ytterligare förstöra ekonomin. Perfekt.
