Sunday, November 8, 2009

The biggest hoax of all time

The scams, the trickery and all the shows put on throughout the ages have been somewhat obvious. Lunatic claims that the earth is flat, snakes are divine beings or socialism can work have all been revealed as false. Today we also understand that the Pharaoh wasn’t a God, Zeus didn’t exist and mankind didn’t spring into being from clay.

You don’t need to have my political view to start thinking how stupid things have been and still are. But do you know what the biggest lie of all time is? The most ridiculous claim ever conjured up by anyone in the entire planets history? There have been a lot of them, and you may find it difficult to pick the biggest one, I don’t have that problem.

I would argue that something that has no basis in science whatsoever and have been thought up recently would be high up on such a list. Mankind have evolved, we go to school and there is no reason for us to believe that earthquakes are signs from any deity. No one would buy mad claims of the Moon being made out of cheese today, still most people believe in something just as ridiculous, and this today when we should know better.

If that same claim also leads to consequences like more starving in the world or less work and lower production, shouldn’t it be at the very top? There is no science to back it up, all the evidence points towards the opposite. There are no facts, no argument that holds, there is nothing tangible whatsoever. Still politicians, journalists and most of the world’s population seem to believe in this, and that today, when we should know better. In fact the real science and actual evidence disproving this bizarre hoax are available, it’s not hidden. Even if the pranksters try to cover it up somewhat and all non-believers are ridiculed, it’s still there. There are books, numbers everywhere and lots of research available to anyone that can read.

Surely such a lunacy should top the list of what is mankind’s biggest lie of all time?

What I’m talking about is manmade global warming. How modern day man can believe in something that has no facts to back it up, no science, no figures, no graphs, nothing, is beyond anything throughout history.

This is the ultimate test. Anyone that believes in this alarming tale of utter madness is a basket-case and a danger to all around. It’s an intelligence test better than any Mensa assessment. You cannot claim to be a thinking life-form at the same time as you believe in manmade global warming.

I have actually tried to get someone to offer me evidence that manmade global warming is real. So far nothing. I have offered money to scientists, not a single one has won it. I have offered my naked body running through the streets while am screaming “I’m mad” until I get locked up. Never needed to fulfil that promise. I have talked to politicians, journalists and lots of ordinary citizens, still no luck. Do you know why? Because it doesn’t exists! There isn’t even one single claim that holds and no evidence for it. Not one!

Manmade global warming is the biggest hoax of all time, and most of you idiots out there have fallen for it. What does that tell you?


  1. It tells me that you must be the dumbest dumb-ass Swede of all time. Hope you don't live near sea level, dude. Or you are going to have to practice holding your breath. Why not start now?

    If you actually lived in Sweden, you should have noticed that the winters are getting warmer and that spring comes a whole month sooner. No shit!

    BTW: you, as many other smart asses, use the word "individual" wrong. Grab a dictionary and look it up. "Manmade" is not one word, either.

  2. Hahaha!!! That it's getting warmer (which has not been the case since 2002) is not a proof that it is man made.

  3. Talet om "global uppvärmning" ser jag som ideologiskt och dogmatiskt. Det märker man på följande:
    1) Den irritation man möts av när dogmen ifrågasätts.
    2) Strävan efter att måla upp vetenskaplig konsensus och framställa avvikande åsikter/resultat som illegitima (alla som sysslar med vetenskap vet ju att det alltid finns olika tolkningar).
    3) Ivern att sprida dogmen/budskapet och övertyga andra.
    4) Möjligheten för nya former av kontroll av befolkningen som följer av budskapet/läran.
    5) Det närmast religiösa apokalyptiska i budskapet (millenialism i ny skepnad).

  4. Global warming is real, has always existed and always will. It excists on Mars as well. We will have another ice-age, we will have another tropical age, thats a fact. Manmade global warming, however, is not a fact, thats a hoax.

  5. Anonymous @ 4:50am

    "It tells me that you must be the dumbest dumb-ass Swede of all time. Hope you don't live near sea level, dude. Or you are going to have to practice holding your breath. Why not start now?

    If you actually lived in Sweden, you should have noticed that the winters are getting warmer and that spring comes a whole month sooner. No shit!"

    So where is your counter argument about man made global warming? I'm waiting. Data please. This is about man's contribution. Not whether or not it's warming up.

    "BTW: you, as many other smart asses, use the word "individual" wrong. Grab a dictionary and look it up. "Manmade" is not one word, either."

    If petty name-calling and picking on spelling and grammar is the best you can do, you don't have much of an argument. Same old lefty tactics. You don't distract us from the point anymore.

    You're the one advocating all the taxes and penalties. It's your job to prove man's contribution to us. The estimates I've seen are that the warming, if happening, will be by about 2-3 degrees by 2100, and mankind *may* have influenced this to a degree of between 1.8-5% (5% being the most alarmist estimates). Which means, if the temperature were to rise 3 degrees, man's input would have been at the maximum, 0.15 degrees. Again, this is the most alarmist stat. The rest is down to nature I'm afraid. And that's only if the warming trend starts up again. It has been virtually static (cooling a tiny bit) since 1998.

    Start reading, Anonymous. After all, it's not like Al Gore has any incentive to feed you this crap. He's raping you. And you love it.

  6. Sedan 1998 har det blivit kallare globalt sett. Forskarna är oense om förklaringen, tänkbara teorier har med solen och haven att göra. En prognos är att nedkylningen fortsätter 10-20 år till.
    So much for scientific consensus!

  7. Ja det är mest ologiska känslomänniskor som tror på AGW. De förstår inte ens skillnaden mellan "global warming" och "MAN-MADE global warming". Därför går det inte ens att föra en saklig diskussion i frågan.

    Egentligen räcker det med att värmen visats komma före CO2 vid tidigare historiska temperaturhöjningar, för att helt skrinlägga
    CO2 som orsak till (obetydliga) 0.6 graders
    temperaturhöjning sista 100 åren.

    Men det som gör att folk duperas tro på AGW är nog mest att denna blygsamma temperaturhöjning sammanfaller till stor del med industrialismens intåg. Men de förbiser då att
    mycket större temperaturhöjningar och -sänkningar har skett periodvis under jordens historia även långt innan människan blev betydande eller ens existerade. Så en liten temperaturhöjning sista 100 åren är väl bara ett sammanträffande. Det kunde lika gärna varit
    en temperatursänkning - som då kanske också skulle skyllts på CO2.

  8. Den totala ismassan i glaciärerna minskar för varje år.Jag redovisar här NOOAs statistik över de tio varmaste åren sedan 1880. Var och en kan dra sina egna slutsatser av detta.2006/2007 är den senaste El Niño-perioden för övrigt. Med tanke på detta och solfläcksaktiviteten och La Nina är det inte konstigt om vi inte riktigt kommer upp till samma temperaturer nu som 2006-2007.
    Global Top 10 Warm Years (Jan-Dec) Anomaly °C
    2005 0.61
    1998 0.58
    2002 0.56
    2003 0.56
    2006 0.55
    2007 0.55
    2004 0.53
    2001 0.49
    2008 0.49
    1997 0.46
    Att isen vid arktis varit den minsta uppmätta de tre senaste åren tyder väl inte heller på ett kallare klimat, trots allt har ju ändå samtliga de tio varmaste åren infallit sedan 97! Statistiken från Hadley ett annat ledande forskningsinstitut:statistiken från Hadley, ett annat ledande klimatforskningsinstitut. Hadleys tio varmaste är:1998, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2001, 2007,1997 och 2008.
    Vidare är uppvärmningen inte obetydlig utan den kraftigaste temperaturuppgången i historisk tid. detta försöker man vifta bort med "naturliga" förklaringar. Vilka då?
    Det finns ingen korrelation mellan solaktiviteten och den stigande temperaturen under de senaste 40 åren. Detta har prof. Stephen Schneider på Stanforduniversitet visat.
    Satellitmätningar har visat att solaktiviteten har minskat sedan mitten på 1980-talet. Detta enligt de ledande solforskarna Lockwood & Frölich. temperaturen i troposfären har ökat medan den har minskat i stratosfären. detta är helt enligt AFW-teorin.

  9. Sorry, slant på tangenterna AGW ska det vara
