Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Still no proof whatsoever

I’m still giving £100 to anyone that can offer me one single scientific proof of man-made global warming. A friend of mine is offering SEK5000. Is there no one that even wants to try it? Of course you are going to fail, but I had expected at least some snowed-in tree hugging freaks to at least try.

If no one wins this money, I’m going to give it to some hunters in Alaska so they can buy more bullets and shoot some Polar Bears. And don't think I'm joking about this last part, I'm not.


  1. Consider it done! we affect the temperature on this planet but it can well be that we cool the planet with all the smog we send up in the atmosphere.

  2. Just stating that we "affect" the temperature in one way or the other is not proof. I can argue I can walk through walls or fly as well, that does not mean it is proof that I actually can. I need to see scientific evidence that you can present and I give you the money.

  3. No sense of humour here! Is that the reason you emigrated to rainy Scotland ;)

  4. No, I'm at work with about 300 Swine Flu information people working around me... :))

  5. Det heter "shoot som polar bears"... inte "shot"... pucko!

  6. Oh, it depends on your meaning... :)) But thank you kind sir, will change that for your pleasure.

  7. Wow, big surprise you love buffy the vampire slayer AND dont believe in climate-change. Stupid shows for stupid people.

  8. I've never said I don't believe in climate change, moron. Climate change is real, it has always existed and always will. What is mentioned here is Manmade climate change.

    And anyone who don't like Buffy should be burned aliiiiiiveee!

  9. I just read this stupid article ( (It's in swedish but google translate can help you there) If (as the article claims) all life but algae died out where the f-ck are the missing links to humans? >) I propose that the scientist are still awfully closely related to their algae relatives.
