Thursday, May 14, 2009

You are going to die! Part XXIV

Went to the gym this morning before getting to work. I was a wee bit tired and maybe that was why, but one of those dreadful machines meant to exercise your upper back made me pull a muscle or something. So right now I’m in pain sitter by the computer. This however got me thinking about another elusive killer of humans; working out!

Everywhere you go ads, doctors, journalists and others are praying to the working-out God. Telling us all that if we do not exercise we might actually die one day. Using tables they show us how a human can live as much as 5 days longer if he/she just run 56miles each week. You will feel better, have more energy, being less inclined to attract diseases and you’ll be better at sex, all you need to do is lift some weights. What these sneaky bastards do not tell us however is how many that dies within athletics each year. They have no interest informing us about the millions of injuries cut of limbs and about the diseases that comes with training. And I’m not only talking about some old fart running the marathon with a heart-condition or some smuck playing football during a thunderstorm, no, there is also lots of other ways to leave this world during physical activities. Hockey for instance is a very violent sport and people dies every year from getting their throat slit by a skate or broken neck from some tackle. In relation to my own resent injury I roamed the net and found out that about 30 or so people dies from falling weights and bad equipment each year in the US alone. That’s worse than the swine flu! Even seemingly harmless sports like tennis and ping pong have lots of injuries. I have not found any collective statistics on exactly how many dies from sports and working-out each year, but a quick headcount on the numbers I did find put the death-toll in the thousands. That’s not really what they are telling us in school or at the doctors now is it?

In other words, be aware. It is not only old age, your own home, drugs, traffic, some plague or the government that might kill you, to much physical activities might also snuff. And speaking of ways to meet up with the black-hooded dude; going out while lifting weight is only laughable. It is not a cool death. If there is an afterlife and someone asks you how you died, do you really wanna tell them about your visit to the gym?

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