Monday, May 11, 2009

Mutilating babies is fun

I never got the apparently funny thing about cutting of some pieces from helpless children’s genetalia. Of course there are some cultures that frown upon females having a good time in bed and consequently some people (mostly males) feel it necessary to cut off some bits and pieces. And I also know there are some religious nut-jobs enjoying using a scalpel on a penis. But when people claiming to be for human rights condone this torture I kind of get upset. Advocating democracy at the same time as promoting communism is one thing, but claiming to be against waterboarding and ACTA but having no problems whatsoever with mutilation of children is something completely different. I have meet many that seemingly loves inflicting pain on suffering children and they mostly hide behind some religious stupidity. Others claim hygiene or culture as reasons for maiming their own flesh and blood. Afflicting pain has been one of mankind’s main occupations throughout the ages, so one is hardly surprised by this madness. Every mole, doctor or nurse participating in this act should get trialed for torture and get shoot, hanged, tortured. These a-holes are the worst kind of people in this world. And any politicians that is against protecting basic human rights and making the world a safer place for those that cannot protect themselves should be standing against the same wall.

If someone feels the urge to cut off a limb, prostitute themselves or jump off a bridge when they are old enough and rational enough to make that decision, let them. It should be every humans personal choice what they want to do with their body. I have still not really forgiven my mother for baptising me which is a huge violating of my own right of choice, if she had cut of some skin of my penis, I would probably not even talk to the woman or drag her to court for torturing me when I was young and helpless.

It should be hunting season on anyone performing this depraved act to another human. I do not care if such people where prison guards at Treblinka or doctors at the nearest hospital, the crimes are the same. Shoot the bastards!


  1. I'll happily hand you the gun, darling.

  2. Spoken like a truly enlightened being. Thank you for illuminating our dark world with your radiant love of humanity.

  3. Thanks! Yes, I pride myself in being both humanitarian and promoting equal rights to every man. Too bad many others do not feel the same.

  4. Equal rights as long as they share your world view, but you promote to shooting them if they don't. Reminds me of fundamentalist Christians calling themselves pro-life and shooting doctors that perform abortions in the clinic's parking lot.
    Religious or secular - you fundamentalists are all the same.

  5. No equal rights. I do not care what people believe in or does, as long as they do not initiate aggression upon others. People, who perform unspeakable horrors to others, like torture and molestation, as we are talking about here, deserve to get much more than they give. A fundamentalist is someone who forces others and/or makes aggression according to their beliefs. I leave those idiocies to Jews, Muslims and other sects.

  6. perfect! i like this! male genital mutilation on the boys most sensitive parts is the most horrific tolerated and dangerous act in the western world.I would probably kill those laughing sadist,"pedophiles"for free.I cant understand why Americas tiny economically succesful,religious minority can still force this on a lot of other people who doesnt even are religious.this question is a future apokkalyptic one!!the right of owning ones own body belong to everyone.EVERYONE -boy,girl rich,poor and uneducated.The politikal correct ones think this is not a HUGE question,and hide it,like the mohels,which only helps the oppressors ...well I hope what they call a "tiny" question will rase Storm and War

  7. if we tolerate mutilation on defenseless uneducated boys,we must also tolerate rape on hide the true nature of this question only helps the mutilation lobby!this question deeply show how fucked Feminism is!sexuality is difficult and taboo,that makes the politikal korrects easier to win debates and dry "intellectual games".then most disgustin as always when people try to laugh at things that are difficult to discuss.I am not a jew neither American or muslim but if I get a son I am prepared to have a "European" doctor for the sake of freedom of my baby boy and his future
