Monday, March 30, 2009

Aren’t we egging enough? – April fool?

Apparently eggs can kill you. Yes you heard me right. Eggs. From the makers of: “20 bags of crisps each day for 25 years might cause cancer” and the ever funnier: “If you smoke you might die” comes now the next startling revelation. One of Sweden’s biggest news papers, Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), has a huge article about eggs and it’s so hilarious. If you cannot understand Swedish, you might wanna learn to read this. I truly hope this is a april fool thingy, and not news. But if it is news, its even funnier!

Let me first throw in some quotes:

“Is eggs dangerous to your heart?” - This is the headline

And just below the headline, as sub-headline you can read:

“Eggs: An oval poisonous capsule that glues to your hearts vessels with cholesterol, or the perfect food that alone can give life. Our image of the eggs goes back and forth between death and a resurrection, precisely as Easter. The reality lies just in the middle.”

And these are just quotes from the article:

“The yellow center is measured according to the 12-grade Roche-scale, named after a big supplier of synthetic lutein. The Swedish standard-yellow has an “8” on a scale were 12 goes towards red.”

”generally speaking eggs are much healthier than lots of processed industrial food, even if average amount of eggs is the best way to go.”

Can you believe this? And after referring to several big studies on the subject (haha…) they start talking about which eggs to eat speaking chemical mumbo jumbo. And then they top it all off with some crazy things about eye sight and that you should eat spinach – with butter - instead. Oh, I really hope this is April fool thing, otherwise I know who should get fired. Either way, it is one of the most side-splitting things I have ever read. Great stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Well that's Swedish media for ya! And then SvD is one of the few sources you normally can read without feeling like throwing up after 2 minutes (it usually takes at least 10 minutes with Svd).

    So now eggs kill... What's next? Water? Water sure killed shitloads of people throughout the history of mankind...

    Fuck it all, I'm off for a pint of Guinness!
