Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The end is nigh - goodbye everyone

Sadly the plan to destroy the western world is now in full effect. The middle-age white christian male has been turned into a weakling that accept untested vaccines and agrees to fight fictitious enemies while his job, savings, and family is slowly getting destroyed. 

The high and mighty have succeeded. They have turn the world into their semi-fascist / semi-communist nightmare which is growing in power for each day that passes. Media is nothing but a mouth-piece and everyone is now accepting two mutually opposing beliefs simultaneously as correct and the norm. 

Strangely, and completely out of the blue, the only ones opposing this approaching evil are two evil empires; China and Russia. Do not get fooled, these two entities would gladly impose upon us their own version of control and government. However the key word is "their" i.e. they will fight the world order since their place within is subservient and neither one will such accept. 

In the end though the collapse of the world financial system will destroy China, and likely Russia too, although Russia is almost completely self-sufficient. The financial collapse have already started - the fattest woman in history is about to sing the highest note ever heard. 

This will probably be my last entry in this blog and I am also leaving social media. I want to live in reclusion and contemplation without listening to what is going on in the world. Nothing is more depressing than hearing a politician urge people to die, starting wars while rich old men state that we all need to make sacrifices while they get richer. 

You, the people, the idiots, you do not deserve to live. I feel sorry for all the children that will not have the choice to make, but for the rest of you; Fuck you all. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Cooler Heads in a time when everyone was sexistracistfascistnazi

One of the sad facts about the last couple of years is that sanity has gone out the window. With sanity gone there is only one opinion allowed - the opinion of the central-left politically correct evildoers. If you are not a feminist, and if you do not love pride parades, and if you are not supporting Greta in her struggle to take away food from the starving, well then you are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, and you hate gays, you vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 


But I want priests to have the right to refusing marrying guys, it is their religion = you are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

I support Muslims to refuse marrying gays = awww! You are an openminded good person! 

I support the freedom of all people to bear arms = You are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

I support Ukrainians to bear arms = awww! You love democracy and gays! We love you too! 

If you are imposing sanctions on Russia, should you not do the same for U.S. that has done far worse and is doing worse at this very second? = You are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

I love sanctions against Russia, can we refuse Russian children food and refuse them learning things? = Yea! Good idea! You clearly understand freedom and democracy while hating Russians. Good for you! 

Why isn't Zelenskyy ordering his army to stand down to save lives? The war is already lost, and all Ukraine is doing is dying by the thousands unnecessarily = You are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

Zelenskyy is a hero who want to kill Russian, get nukes, join NATO, dance in leather and sending children out to die in the streets while he is safely talking to other sycophants = Yea! You got it sir! you are a good person, let us hate Russians together. 


And so on and so on. You are either a "good guy" doing what everyone else is doing, following orders, buying and liking the stuff the majority does. OR you are a sexistracistfascistnazi and you hate women, hate gays, vote for Trump and now you are also a pro-Russian Putin lover. 

One of the consequences of this attitude is that diplomacy and cultural understanding is also thrown out the window. There are no cool heads anymore in the UN, only knee-jerk reactions. There are no diplomats in embassies anymore, only politically correct stooges. There are no understanding of how other countries or cultures might feel about certain opinions or differences because if they don't agree they are evil sexistracistfascistnazi's who hate women, hate gays, sponsor Trump and now also are pro-Russian Putin lovers. This is, coincidently, why we are very, very, very close to nuclear war right now. 

Imagine how easy it would have been to solve the Ukraine crisis. After NATO of course said that there is no plans to make Ukraine member and they will not be invited anytime soon (note: not excluding it, just diplomatically stating they do not want this corrupt country as member now), after that EU only needed to pick up the phone and say "Hey Ukraine, please stop murdering Russians, follow the Minsk agreement and there might be a EU membership in the future for you!" - that is it. Problem solved. No war. 15-20 years ago this is exactly what would have happen because back then diplomacy still existed, there were still cooler calmer heads looking sober at situations and acting accordingly. Those people have been pushed aside, now all that matters is how they title themselves and how many rainbow flags they have in their office. 

Remember the cold war? There was a lot of issues, problems, and near confrontations, but there was always respect, always cooler heads calming things down and trying to find mutual understandings. I miss that...